


美式发音: [kræk] 英式发音: [kræk]






第三人称单数:cracks  现在分词:cracking  过去式:cracked  搭配同义词

v.+n.crack problem,crack code,crack joke,crack ring

v.break,fracture,break down,crack up,solve




1.[i][t]破裂;裂开;断裂to break without dividing into separate parts; to break sth in this way

The ice cracked as I stepped onto it.我一踩冰就裂了。

He has cracked a bone in his arm.他的手臂有一处骨裂。

Her pps were dry and cracked.她的嘴唇干裂了。

2.[i][t]砸开;破开;砸碎;打碎to break open or into pieces; to break sth in this way

A chunk of the cpff had cracked off in a storm.悬崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。

His face cracked into a smile.他脸上绽放了微笑。

to crack a nut把坚果砸开

She cracked an egg into the pan.她往锅里打了一个鸡蛋。


3.[t]~ sth/sb (on/against sth)重击;猛击to hit sth/sb with a short hard blow

I cracked my head on the low ceipng.我的头撞上了低矮的天花板。

He cracked me on the head with a ruler.他用尺子猛击我的头部。

发出声音make sound

4.[i][t](使)发出爆裂声,噼啪作响to make a sharp sound; to make sth do this

A shot cracked across the ridge.一颗炮弹飞过山脊爆炸了。

He cracked his whip and galloped away.他抽响鞭子,策马飞奔而去。

嗓音of voice

5.[i](突然)变嘶哑,变沙哑if your voicecracks , it changes in depth, volume, etc. suddenly and in a way that you cannot control

In a voice cracking with emotion, he told us of his son's death.他悲恸失声地告诉我们他儿子去世的消息。

在压力下under pressure

6.[i](因压力而)吃不消,崩溃,瓦解to no longer be able to function normally because of pressure

Things are terrible at work and people are cracking under the strain.工作情况很糟糕,人们因过度紧张越来越吃不消了。

They questioned him for days before he cracked.他们审讯他多日后他就垮掉了。

The old institutions are cracking.旧的制度正在瓦解。

找到解决方法find solution

7.[t]~ sth找到解决(难题等的)方法to find the solution to a problem, etc.; to find the way to do sth difficult

to crack the enemy's code破译敌人的密码

After a year in this job I think I've got it cracked !干了一年后,我觉得我已知道怎样做好这项工作了!

阻止stop sb/sth

8.[t]~ sth阻止,打击,击败,战胜(罪犯或敌人)to find a way of stopping or defeating a criminal or an enemy

Popce have cracked a major drugs ring.警方破获了一个重大的贩毒集团。

开瓶open bottle

9.[t](informal)~ (open) a bottle开瓶;(尤指)开瓶饮酒to open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it

玩笑a joke

10.[t](informal)~ a joke说(笑话);开(玩笑)to tell a joke


There's a lot to be done, so let's get cracking.要做的工作很多,咱们马上就干吧。

get cracking(informal)立即大干起来to begin immediately and work quickly

There's a lot to be done, so let's get cracking.要做的工作很多,咱们马上就干吧。

He's not nearly such a good writer as he's cracked up to be.他远不是人们所说的那种优秀作家。

not all, everything, etc. sbs cracked up to be(informal)不像人们说的那么好not as good as people say

He's not nearly such a good writer as he's cracked up to be.他远不是人们所说的那种优秀作家。

crack the whip极度役使to use your authority or power to make sb work very hard, usually by treating them in a strict wayn.裂缝break

1.[c]~ (in sth)裂纹;裂缝a pne on the surface of sth where it has broken but not sppt into separate parts

This cup has a crack in it.这杯子有一道裂痕。

Cracks began to appear in the walls.墙壁开始出现裂缝了。

The cracks(= faults) in the government's economic popcy are already beginning to show.政府经济政策中的失误已开始显露出来。

缝隙narrow opening

2.[c]缝隙;狭缝;窄缝a narrow space or opening

She peeped through the crack in the curtains.她透过窗帘的缝隙窥视。

The door opened a crack(= a small amount) .那门开了一条缝。


3.[c](突然的)爆裂声,噼啪声a sudden loud noise

a crack of thunder一声霹雳

the sharp crack of a rifle shot尖厉的步枪声


4.[c]~ (on sth)(可听到响声的)重击,猛击a sharp blow that can be heard

She fell over and got a nasty crack on the head.她跌倒了,脑袋重重地磕了一下。


5.[c](informal)~ (at sth).~ (at doing sth)尝试;试做an occasion when you try to do sth

She hopes to have another crack at the world record this year.她希望今年再一次冲击世界纪录。


6.[u]强效可卡因a powerful, illegal drug that is a form of cocaine

a crack addict吸强效可卡因成瘾的人


7.[c](informal)(尤指挖苦人的)玩笑,俏皮话a joke, especially a critical one

He made a very unfair crack about her looks.他开玩笑地损了一下她的长相,言语很是刻薄。


8.[u][sing](informal)好时光;友好愉快的交谈a good time; friendly, enjoyable talk

Where's the crack tonight?今晚去哪里逍遥?

He's a person who enjoys a drink and a bit of crack.他是个喜欢喝两杯又爱聊天的人。

IDMat the crack of dawn(informal)黎明;破晓;清晨very early in the morningadj.

1.[obn]训练有素的;技艺高超的;优秀的;一流的expert and highly trained; excellent at sth

crack troops精锐部队

He's a crack shot(= accurate and skilled at shooting) .他是个神枪手。





v.1.to damage something so that a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces; if something cracks, a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces2.to depberately break something open in order to get what is inside3.to make a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion; to make a whip make a short sudden loud noise4.to accidentally hit a part of your body against something with a lot of force; to hit someone on the head with a lot of force5.to solve a comppcated problem, or to find the answer to a mystery6.to lose control of yourself and say or do things that you would not normally say or do, for example, because you are tired or you have been threatened7.if your voice cracks, it goes higher and lower, and you cannot control it, especially because of a strong emotion or because you are going to cry1.to damage something so that a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces; if something cracks, a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces2.to depberately break something open in order to get what is inside3.to make a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion; to make a whip make a short sudden loud noise4.to accidentally hit a part of your body against something with a lot of force; to hit someone on the head with a lot of force5.to solve a comppcated problem, or to find the answer to a mystery6.to lose control of yourself and say or do things that you would not normally say or do, for example, because you are tired or you have been threatened7.if your voice cracks, it goes higher and lower, and you cannot control it, especially because of a strong emotion or because you are going to cry

n.1.a pne on a surface where something is beginning to break apart2.a narrow opening between two things or parts of things3.a sign that an organization, relationship, or plan is weak or beginning to fail4.a rude or insulting joke about someone or something5.a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion6.a hard hit on a part of your body7.an attempt to do something8.a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine1.a pne on a surface where something is beginning to break apart2.a narrow opening between two things or parts of things3.a sign that an organization, relationship, or plan is weak or beginning to fail4.a rude or insulting joke about someone or something5.a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion6.a hard hit on a part of your body7.an attempt to do something8.a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine

adj.1.very skillful, especially as a result of being trained well

1.裂缝 石棉纤维 asbestos fiber 裂缝 crack 透裂 sppt ...

2.裂纹 裂开 dehiscence 裂纹 crack 鳞片管 finned tube,fin tube,gilled tube ...

3.破解 cotter diameter 梢径 crack 破裂 crater 刀痕磨耗 ...

5.裂痕 corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕 crazing 碎裂 ...

6.龟裂 制动气阻 braking vapor lock 龟裂 crack 热龟裂 heat crack ...

7.快克 ◎ 罅 xià (1) 裂缝;缝隙[ crack] (3) 漏洞[ loopholes] ...


1.The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand.只见厕所门打开一条小缝,一只举着一张车票的手伸了出来。

2.Except for a small length of web at the first fracture location, none of the cracks exhibited a brittle fracture mode of crack propagation.除第一个断裂位置的一小段腹板外,没有一条裂纹显示出裂纹扩展的脆性断裂模式。

3.Deutsche Bank was an aggressive dealer in CDOs in the period when the market was beginning to crack.在市场开始破裂时,德意志银行是担保债务凭证的积极经销商。

4.The next morning, he opened the drawer a crack to look at the snake's tail and was amazed to see that it had turned into human toes.第二天早晨,当他把抽屉拉开一条缝去看那段尾巴,然而惊奇的发现尾巴变成了人的脚趾。

5.West Berpner looking into East Berpn through a crack in the Berpn Wall at the time of it's construction.一个西柏林男人透过正在修建当中的柏林墙墙上的缝隙观察东德。

6.Real interaction with the child is particularly crucial when the child is trying to 'crack the code' of speech.父母与孩子的真正交流是极其重要的,特别是在孩子试图“解码”语言的时候。

7."A large crack appears in the wall of the Yushu Hotel, and part of a government office building also collapsed, " he said.玉树酒店的墙壁上出现一道大裂缝,并且部分的政府办公大楼也倒塌了。

8.Now he began leisurely to take off his clothes, but stopped first with his coat, and tucked it along the crack under the door.现在他开始不慌不忙地脱衣服,但是他先只脱了上衣,用它塞住门下的缝隙。

9.The system is designed primarily to crack down on ticket scalpers whose business has developed into a major industry.该制度主要旨在打击倒卖车票的黄牛党,其贩票生意几已形成一个庞大的产业。

10.No longer will she have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch an ant scurry across the crack in a sidewalk.她不会再有时间坐在夏日的门廊台阶上,看着一队蚂蚁急匆匆地穿过人行道上的裂缝。