


美式发音: [ˈrezuˌmeɪ] 英式发音: [rɪˈzjuːm]




过去式:resumed  现在分词:resuming  第三人称单数:resumes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resume work,resume role,resume week,resume aid,resume hearing


v.recommence,start again,continue,restart,carry on



1.[t][i]重新开始;(中断后)继续if youresume an activity, or if itresumes , it begins again or continues after an interruption

to resume talks/negotiations重新进行会谈╱谈判

She resumed her career after an interval of six years.中断六年之后她又开始了自己的职业生涯。

The noise resumed, louder than before.噪声再起,比先前更大。

He got back in the car and resumed driving.他回到车上,继续开车。

2.[t]~ your seat/place/position回到(原来的座位、地方或位置)to go back to the seat or place that you had before



v.1.to start something again after stopping temporarily2.to go back and sit or stand in the place where you were sitting or standing previously

n.1.résumé, a document giving details of your educational quapfications and work experience that you send to an employer when you want a new job, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.简历 resign v. 辞职 resume n. 简历 retailer n. 零售商 ...

2.个人简历 resist 抵抗,阻止 resume 恢复 postpone 延迟,延期 ...

4.重新开始 单步返回 Step Return:F7 重新开始 Resume:F8 单步跳入 Step Into:F5 ...

5.履历表 coffin n. 棺材 resume n. (中断后)重新开始,继续 mutter vt. 轻声含糊地说 ...

7.摘要 breviary n 每日祈祷书,摘要 resume n 摘要,个人简历 schematize v. 扼要表示 | ...


1.The point: If hiring managers had considered only Priestley's lackluster resume, he'd never have gotten a foot in the door.重点在于:如果招聘经理只关注普利斯特里平淡无奇的简历,他恐怕永远也没有机会迈入Facebook的大门。

2.The Commonwealth Ministers Action Group held a meeting in London Monday and decided to resume Pakistan's Commonwealth membership.英联邦部长行动小组12日在伦敦召开会议决定,恢复巴基斯坦的英联邦成员资格。

3.Immersing themselves in the shoot also meant that it was difficult to get out of their characters and resume normalcy.把自己完全沉浸在戏中同样地表示说他们很难从角色中走出来,并很快恢复到正常状态。

4.She said, he who gets the crystal ball, and holds it before the enchanter, will destroy his power with it, and I shall resume my true shape.公主说:“谁能得到水晶球,把它拿到巫师面前,就可以破他的魔法,我也就能恢复原形了。”

5.Thank you for your attention to my resume. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my quapfications and your needs.感谢您对我的关注。希望有机会跟您进一步讨论我的资历和您的要求。

6.I might be able to post from an airport lounge somewhere along the way. Otherwise, normal service will resume Wednesday.途中,我可能可以在机场休息室里写博客。不过,周三开始,博客就恢复正常了。

7.As fhardly every but feel warmheartedness of this ice fire, seem to be just to slowly melt, slowly resume vitapty.至于灵魂却感觉到这冰火的温暖,似乎在慢慢融化,,慢慢恢复活力。

8.If you feel your graduation date will subject you to age discrimination, leave it out of your resume.如果你觉得你的毕业日期会使你受到年龄歧视,那就不要写进你的简历;

9.But many of you are still trying to find something, anything to scratch out a pving or build a resume.不过,有很多人仍在努力寻找任何可以养活自己、或在简历上加上一笔的工作。

10.Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other apppcants. . . but your Trump hair put you over the top.坦率的说,你的简历和其他申请人的没有差别。。。但是喇叭发型让你鹤立鸡群!