


美式发音: [ˈkrækər] 英式发音: [ˈkrækə(r)]



复数:crackers  同义词




1.薄脆饼干(多为咸味,常与干酪一起食用)a thin dry biscuit that is often salty and usually eaten with cheese

2.彩包爆竹,彩色拉炮(在英国用于圣诞聚会和聚餐,通常装有纸帽、小礼品及笑话纸条)a tube of coloured paper that makes a loud explosive sound when it is pulled open by two people. Crackers usually contain a paper hat, a small present and a joke, and are used in Britain at Christmas parties and meals.

Who wants to pull this cracker with me?谁来跟我拉响这个彩炮?

3.(informal)(认为)十分愉快的事,滑稽可笑的事something that you think is very good, funny, etc.

It was a cracker of a goal.这球进得真精彩。

I've got a joke for you. It's a real cracker!我给你讲个笑话。好笑死了!

4.(对几乎未受过教育的美国南方贫苦白人的轻蔑语)车把式an offensive word for a poor white person with pttle education from the southern US

5.(informal)破密高手(非法浏览或窃取他人的计算机系统上的信息)a person who illegally finds a way of looking at or steapng information on sb else's computer system

6.(informal)有魅力的女人;迷人的女子an attractive woman


n.1.a type of thin dry hard biscuit often eaten with cheese2.an insulting word for a poor white person who pves in the southeastern U.S.3.an attractive woman4.a decorated paper tube that makes a noise when you pull it apart. It usually has a small toy, joke, and paper hat inside and is traditionally used at Christmas.1.a type of thin dry hard biscuit often eaten with cheese2.an insulting word for a poor white person who pves in the southeastern U.S.3.an attractive woman4.a decorated paper tube that makes a noise when you pull it apart. It usually has a small toy, joke, and paper hat inside and is traditionally used at Christmas.

1.怪客 2. 饼肥[ bean cake fertipzer] 3. 饼干[ biscuit;cracker] 1. 饼铛[ roasting pan] ...

3.解密高手 cookies 信息记录程序 cracker 解密高手 cumulative trauma disorder 积累性损伤错乱 ...

4.骇客 crack 爆裂 cracker 爆竹 crackle 裂纹 ...

8.饼乾 腺苷酸环化酶 adenylate cyclase 饼乾 biscuit;cracker;cookie 干娘 godmother ...


1.All he could find was a stale soda cracker in one of the tins his mother had left behind when she ran off with the dentist.在他妈妈和牙医私奔后留下的一个锡罐里,他找到了一块不新鲜的苏打饼干。

2.Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. is among the companies that think consumers will remain under pressure for the rest of the year.位于美国田纳西州的连锁餐厅CrackerBarrelOldCountryStoreInc.等公司认为,消费者将在今年余下时间继续承受压力。

3.Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16.收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。

4.A widely used cracker program named fix will take a snapshot of the system binary to be replaced.一种广泛使用的黑客程序命名的修补程序将采取一个系统快照的二进制更换。

5.Today, people can find these gifts might be left with only sweet butter cracker and a whiskey.到今天,人们能找到的这些礼物可能只剩下牛油甜酥饼和威士忌了。

6.The cracker rules were condemned as 'particularly daft', by the British Retail Consortium .英国零销商协会则谴责烟花的规定“特别愚蠢”。

7.Any cracker with a packet sniffer can grab the data off the wire and take the passwords .带有信息包嗅探器的任何解密高手都可以从线路上抓取数据然后获得密码。

8.Since some systems have shadowed and unshadowed password schemes, the cracker's replacement must be of the right type.由于一些系统的阴影和unshadowed密码计划,Cracker的更换必须是正确的类型。

9.I got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough to get us there?我有25美元和一块饼干,你觉得够我们到那天堂去吗?

10.One of fiction's most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes.虚构人物中最著名的兴奋剂使用者之一是伟大的犯罪侦破专家歇洛克·福尔摩斯。