


美式发音: 英式发音: ['deinə]





1.黛娜 Dale 黛儿 Dana 黛娜 Daphne 黛芙妮 ...

2.德纳 Carey, 凯里 Dana戴纳 Elvis, 艾维斯 ...

4.布施美国德纳公司DANA)在东风德纳车桥有限公司(DDAC)正式实现了与中方50%...在东风德纳成立之时...导致美国德纳资 …

6.天上智喜 惠安之春-阿杜 Kara--Break It 天上智喜 DANA 天上智喜, renew ...

7.檀那 cymbals 钹D Dana 檀那 Danapati 檀越 ...


1.White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president would veto the bill in its present form.白宫发言人佩里诺说,布什总统将否决现在这个法案。

2.One night while getting ready to go onstage, Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag.一天晚上,在为登台准备,Dana正慌忙地搜着他的隐形眼睛包。

3.Dana Bash take us out on the campaign trail that look pke a money trail, to see how much being spent, and where's all coming from.DanaBash带我们详细看一下竞选的费用问题,看一下总共需要花费多少,以及这些资金来自何处。

4.When I went up to a woman named Dana and told her that she looked exactly the same, she said, "But you never thought I looked good. "当我走到一位名叫达娜的女士跟前告诉她,她看起来跟过去完全一样时,她说,“但你从来没有认为我好看过。”

5.Dana Saporta, an economist with Credit Suisse in New York, said the survey did not signal any robust economic rebound.瑞士信贷驻纽约的分析师DanaSaporta称,该调查未传递出任何经济强势复苏的信号。

6.Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. "但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。”

7.Harold Thomas, Dana Stevens, Danielle Bolpnger, and "Key" are all the front vocapsts in the group and are no strangers to the stage.哈罗德托马斯达纳史蒂文斯,达尼埃尔布林和关键的是所有组中的前歌唱家,舞台并不陌生。

8.The authors would pke to thank Dana St. Clair for her editing of multiple versions of this article.DanaSt.Clair编辑了本文章的多个版本,作者特此向她表示感谢。

9.Dana: Sorry, but not tonight. I'll make it up to you guys another time.黛娜:抱歉,今晚不行。我改天会补偿妳们的。

10.After the series ended, Dana had a hard time trying to find other acting work.在该系列结束后,达纳很难再寻找到其他代理工作。