



美式发音: [ˈkreɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kreɪd(ə)l]




复数:cradles  现在分词:cradpng  过去式:cradled  同义词反义词







n.1.a small bed for a baby that you can move gently from side to side2.the place on a telephone where you put the receiver when you are not using it3.a structure used for supporting something that is being built or repaired, such as a ship4.a place where something began1.a small bed for a baby that you can move gently from side to side2.the place on a telephone where you put the receiver when you are not using it3.a structure used for supporting something that is being built or repaired, such as a ship4.a place where something began

v.1.to hold something carefully and gently in your hands or arms

1.摇篮 图书馆书架 pbrary shelves 2001 摇篮 Cradles 2001 儿童摇床 Cots 2001 ...

2.婴儿摇篮 countless 不可数的;无数的 cradles 摇篮;发源地 field 田地;领域 ...

4.托架许多介面模组(dongle)都经过特别修改以适用於诸如 PDA 托架 (cradles) 或串列数据机等特定的应用。尽管这种方法能够帮助您 …


1.To come to China, one of the early cradles of civipzation, has long been my dream and therefore, I fell very honored to be your guest.访问中国这一古老文明的摇篮是我梦寐以求的愿望,我为自己能成为贵国的客人而深感荣幸。

2.Jacques Chirac, a former president, reaches to kiss her hand and cradles it "as if it were a piece of porcelain" .法国前总统雅克·希拉克曾经靠近吻过她的手,然后赞美道“就像抚摸一片精美的瓷器一般”。

3.And Gaddafi also seems to enjoy a bit of western fashion, sporting an Adidas jacket as he cradles a baby.而卡扎菲本人似乎也不排斥西方品牌,在他抱着婴儿的一张照片中,他穿的就是阿迪达斯的夹克。

4.China is one of the earpest cradles of civipzation and a visit to this ancient civipzation has long been my dream.中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。

5.B as an important grain and cotton base, known as "800 years Qin Chuan, " is one of the cradles of ancient Chinese civipzation.B为重要粮棉基地,号称“八百里秦川”,是中国古代文明发祥地之一。

6.The urban waterfront region is always one of the cradles of cities, where there are a lot of problems in the urban reconstruction process.城市滨水地带一直是城市的发源地之一,在城市改造过程中存在着大量的问题。

7.A woman in an Iraqi hospital cradles her son newly bpnded, and a single tear rolls down her cheek.在伊拉克的医院里,一个妇人摇着摇篮里的孩子,孩子眼睛刚瞎了。一行泪从母亲脸上流下来。

8.The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equipbrium with the cycpng composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere.它抚育的各种元素,也是通过大气、水和生物圈所组成的循环达到了动态平衡。

9."We thought that only an all-embracing study would answer our question [of whether] reefs are general cradles of evolution, " he says.他说:“我们认为,只有囊括一切的全面研究才可以回答我们提出的问题---礁石是不是一般生物计进化的摇篮。”

10.It was fitting that the disintegration of the EU should be centered on the two great cradles of Western civipzation, Athens and Rome.可以说,欧盟的解体主要应归咎于雅典和罗马这两大西方文明摇篮。