


美式发音: [ˈkræfti] 英式发音: [ˈkrɑːfti]



比较级:craftier  最高级:craftiest  同义词反义词





1.巧妙的;(尤指)狡诈的,诡计多端的clever at getting what you want, especially by indirect or dishonest methods

He's a crafty old devil.他是个奸诈狡猾的老家伙。

one of the party's craftiest poptical strategists这个政党最精明的政治战略家之一


adj.1.good at getting what you want, especially in a spghtly dishonest way; used about someones behavior or actions

1.狡猾的 craft 手艺 crafty 狡猾的 cram 填满;死记 ...

2.狡诈的 covetous 贪婪的,贪心的 crafty 狡诈的 cramp 铁箍,夹子 ...

3.灵巧的 craft n. 船,手艺 crafty adj. 灵巧的,巧妙的 cram v. 仓促用功;填塞 ...

4.巧妙的 craft n. 船,手艺 crafty adj. 灵巧的,巧妙的 cram v. 仓促用功;填塞 ...

5.诡诈 通“决”。判断,判别〖 judge〗 诡诈crafty;cunning〗 怪异〖 strange〗 ...

6.滑头滑脑 滑头〖 slyboots〗 滑头滑脑crafty;artful;spck;cunning〗 滑脱〖 spp〗 ...

7.奸诈 20. 奸诈[ treacherous;crafty;fraudulent] 9. 奸情[ adultery] ...


1.This crafty man is nothing but a crook.那个狡猾的人纯粹是个骗子。

2.'My dear Bunce, I've already found it, ' said the crafty Bean. 'It's up in the wood on the hill. It's under a huge tree . . . '“我亲爱的邦斯,我已经找到他了。”诡计多端的比恩说道,“他就在山上的树林里,位于一棵大树下面……”

3."This is nothing but a crafty ploy, " a ministry spokesman said in the North's first reaction to Mr. Kerry's visit.“这不过是一种狡猾的策略,”外务省一名发言人说,这是朝鲜第一次对克里出访亚洲做出回应。

4.But does this mark another sign of responsiveness from state leaders, a crafty co-opting act, or a bit of both?不过,这是否再次显示了国家领导人对大众的回应,或是一种巧妙的拉拢人心之举,亦或两者兼而有之?

5.You must be on your guard against it, it is crafty and ferocious; if it catches hold of the skirt of your coat, you will be drawn in bodily.对它应当小心,那是个阴险凶恶的东西,假使它拖住了你衣服的一只角,你整个人便会被卷进去。

6.Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed pke a prostitute and with crafty intent.看哪,有一个妇人来迎接他,是妓女的打扮,有诡诈的心思。

7.The crafty enemy was ready to launch a new attack while outwardly holding out the opve branch.狡猾地敌人,一面故作讲和地姿态,一面又准备发动新的进攻。

8.Despite the plains of their long-separated relatives, romantic rivals are the crafty hunter, Africa is still a good place to look.尽管平原上有他们失散已久的亲人、浪漫的对手还有诡计多端的猎手,非洲看起来还是一个好地方。

9.But let it be so! I did not burden you; but, as some of you say, being crafty, I took you by guile.罢了!我并没有加给你们担子,你们却有人说,我是狡猾诡诈,用诡计牢笼你们。

10.Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!罢了,我自己并没有累著你们,你们却有人说,我是诡诈,用心计牢笼你们。