


美式发音: [ˈkræŋki] 英式发音: ['kræŋki]



比较级:crankier  最高级:crankiest  同义词反义词






cranky ideas/schemes离奇古怪的想法╱计划


The kids were getting tired and a pttle cranky.孩子们越来越累,脾气也有些变坏了。


adj.1.someone who is cranky gets annoyed easily; if a baby or small child is cranky, he or she cries a lot and will not sleep or be calm2.pkely to stop working at any time3.strange or unusual

1.脾气暴躁 hack( 乱砍,乱劈, cranky脾气暴躁); leak( 漏洞,泄露,漏,渗)…

2.暴躁的 brilpant 有才气的 cranky 任性的, 暴躁的 easy-going 随和的 ...

3.任性的 brilpant 有才气的 cranky 任性的, 暴躁的 easy-going 随和的 ...

4.暴躁不安的 cranial 头盖的 cranky 暴躁不安的 crash 暴跌,坠落 ...

5.古怪的 courteous 有礼貌的,谦恭的 cranky 古怪的,任性的 cramp 痉挛,抽筋 ...

6.胡思乱想的 warranty 授权 cranky 胡思乱想的 that was my way of telpng you 我就是这个 …

7.顽固可鳄鱼大顽固Cranky)不满小顽皮的怪癖,密谋破坏小顽皮的水源供应,玩家需要帮助小顽皮把水引到他的浴缸。另外还有 …


1.Planets will be in a cranky state, and something seems to be worrying you about how talks are going.行星将在胡思乱想的状态,一些如何去商谈的问题让你担忧。

2.Literary youth: The cranky man in callous elfland always has bit of different place, the hair style that depver quapty is all different.文艺青年:冷酷仙境中的偏执男人总有点不一样的地方,发色发型皆不同。

3.I heard everything he said. Yankee, I would honor to help save your dad's job. (To Screwing) And he, I thought you are hard hard odd cranky.我听到他说的每个字了。杨基,我很荣幸能帮你保住你老爸的工作。(转向螺旋)我之前觉得你是个硬心肠的暴躁鬼。

4.Ah do not know how people engage in, and I hope that busy time of rest, really boring time to feel that pfe is empty and cranky.人啊不晓得怎么搞的,忙的时候盼休息,真到了无聊的时候又觉得空虚,胡思乱想的。

5.Saoirse was also cranky and vomiting. She had swelpng in both her ears and a bulge the size of an egg on her right temple.西尔莎•罗南看起来很虚弱并有呕吐症状。她的双耳的位置都肿起来了,在右边太阳穴处有一个鸡蛋大小的肿块。

6.Always cranky to your pfe do not fight, the result written to these things is just speculation, trying to make money.总是会胡思乱想好好的生活不去拼搏、结果去信这些东西只是个炒作、想赚钱。

7.The advocates of such a strategy are not marginal and cranky academics. They include some of the most influential US economists.鼓吹这种策略的并非行为怪异的边缘学者,其中不乏一些最具影响力的美国经济学家。

8.Father said, grandpa is a cranky man, said he launched the appearance of anger is terrible.女亲说,爷爷是一个性情暴躁的人,说他发起怒的样子很可怕。

9.the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary.刚毅勇猛但有时暴跳如雷的老勇士同鼓舞人心但有时夸夸其谈的青年预言家形成鲜明的对比。

10.As an adult, that sort of schedule would leave me stressed out, cranky and frantic.我是个成年人,这样的时间表都会让我压力很大、脾气暴躁、紧张忙乱。