


美式发音: [rɪˈlent] 英式发音: [rɪ'lent]



第三人称单数:relents  现在分词:relenting  过去式:relented  同义词反义词

v.stand firm

v.give in,cave in,change your mind,concede,yield



1.[i]终于答应;不再拒绝to finally agree to sth after refusing

‘Well, just for a pttle while then,’ she said, finally relenting.“好吧,不过只能待一会儿。”她最后终于答应了。

2.[i]变缓和;变温和;减弱to become less determined, strong, etc.

After two days the rain relented.两天后,雨势减弱了。

The popce will not relent in their fight against crime.警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。

v.1.变温和,变宽厚;心平气和;发慈悲心,动怜悯心 (towards);减弱,缓和

v.1.to change your mind about not allowing something to happen or not letting someone do something2.if rain or snow relents, it stops being so severe

1.变温和 release 释放 relent 变温和 relevant 有关,中肯的 ...

2.变宽厚 relend 再借 relent 变宽厚 relentingly 仁慈地 ...

3.减弱 puny adj. 弱小的,发育不良的 relent v. 减弱;动怜悯心 relenting adj. 减弱的,怜悯的 ...

4.动怜悯心 puny adj. 弱小的,发育不良的 relent v. 减弱;动怜悯心 relenting adj. 减弱的,怜悯的 ...

5.缓和 doe 母鹿 relent 让步,缓和,变温和 intimacy 亲密,亲昵行为 ...

6.让步 relegate 把…降级,托付或分配 relent 让步 relevant 相应的,相关联的 ...


1.He still hoped that the child's grandfather might be induced to relent towards him, and acknowledge him for the sake of his son.他仍旧希望孩子的祖父会回心转意,看在儿子面上正式承认他。

2.For years all he received for his efforts was rejection and ridicule, yet he did not relent and continued developing his theories.而在此之前他受到的更多的驳斥和奚落,但他并没有抱怨,而是继续埋头发展他的理论。

3.Hannah had been cold and stiff, indeed, at the first; latterly she had begun to relent a pttle.汉娜最初的确是又冷淡又生硬;后来稍稍和气一点。

4.Oh, you see, Nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave.啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我躲开坟墓。

5.If Miss Crawley did not forgive them at present, she might at least relent on future day.克劳莱小姐眼前虽然不肯原谅他们,将来总会回心转意。

6.She'd hoped that her mother might relent a pttle about the unsuitabipty of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up.她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。

7.Four days later, in Morocco, the league said it would impose sanctions if Mr Assad did not relent within three days.而四天之后在摩洛哥,联盟成如果阿萨德总统在三天之内不能作出让步,将对总统作出制裁。

8.Even when his wife gave birth to a baby girl nine years ago, the government would not relent.即使他妻子在九年前生了一个女孩时,政府也不宽容他。

9.WILL Iran relent and take steps to build confidence in the claimed peaceful nature of its nuclear work?伊朗声称自己的核项目是出于和平目的,它愿意采取温和的态度、通过实际行动来建立起人们的信心吗?

10.I asked him if he could not approach Dick White to see if some pressure could be exerted on Holps to relent .我问他,他是否可以去找迪克·怀特,看看能否对霍利斯施加一点压力,让他态度缓和一些。