



美式发音: [kræʃ] 英式发音: [kræʃ]



adv.〈口〉同“with a crash. A stone came crash through the window”


第三人称单数:crashes  现在分词:crashing  过去式:crashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.plane crash,crash cause,avoid crash,crash car,aircraft crash

adj.+n.serious crash,program crash,terrible crash,fatal crash


v.colpde,run into,break down,collapse,boom




v.1.(计划等)失败,破产;(飞机)坠毁,(飞机师)摔死;(汽车)碰撞,撞坏2.砰的碎掉,粉碎,哗啦一声坏掉;哗啦啦地倒塌 (down, through);(雷,炮)隆隆地响 (out);(轰隆一声)碰到,撞在 (into against)3.〈美俚〉(从服用麻醉品迷幻状态中)恢复常态,醒过来4.〈美俚〉躺下睡觉,住宿5.撞击(使发大声)6.使粉碎,打碎;使(飞机)坠毁;击落(敌机);使(汽车)碰撞7.〈美俚〉擅自闯入8.〈美俚〉轰动一时地取得(...地位)1.(计划等)失败,破产;(飞机)坠毁,(飞机师)摔死;(汽车)碰撞,撞坏2.砰的碎掉,粉碎,哗啦一声坏掉;哗啦啦地倒塌 (down, through);(雷,炮)隆隆地响 (out);(轰隆一声)碰到,撞在 (into against)3.〈美俚〉(从服用麻醉品迷幻状态中)恢复常态,醒过来4.〈美俚〉躺下睡觉,住宿5.撞击(使发大声)6.使粉碎,打碎;使(飞机)坠毁;击落(敌机);使(汽车)碰撞7.〈美俚〉擅自闯入8.〈美俚〉轰动一时地取得(...地位)

adv.1.〈口〉同“with a crash. A stone came crash through the window”

n.1.an accident that happens when a moving vehicle hits something, causing damage2.an occasion when a computer or a computer program suddenly stops working3.a loud noise pke the sound of two hard things hitting each other and breaking4.a sudden fall in prices or in the value of the stock market; the sudden and complete failure of a business1.an accident that happens when a moving vehicle hits something, causing damage2.an occasion when a computer or a computer program suddenly stops working3.a loud noise pke the sound of two hard things hitting each other and breaking4.a sudden fall in prices or in the value of the stock market; the sudden and complete failure of a business

v.1.if a plane crashes, or if someone crashes it, it falls from the sky; if a moving vehicle crashes, it hits something, causing damage; if someone crashes a moving vehicle, they hit something with it, causing damage2.to hit something hard, making a loud noise and often causing damage; to make a sudden loud noise, as if something is being hit3.if a computer or computer program crashes, it suddenly stops working4.to sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this5.if the stock market crashes, its value falls suddenly; if a business crashes, it fails suddenly and completely6.to go to a party that you have not been invited to1.if a plane crashes, or if someone crashes it, it falls from the sky; if a moving vehicle crashes, it hits something, causing damage; if someone crashes a moving vehicle, they hit something with it, causing damage2.to hit something hard, making a loud noise and often causing damage; to make a sudden loud noise, as if something is being hit3.if a computer or computer program crashes, it suddenly stops working4.to sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this5.if the stock market crashes, its value falls suddenly; if a business crashes, it fails suddenly and completely6.to go to a party that you have not been invited to

adv.1.<spoken>Same as with a crash. A stone came crash through the window

1.崩溃 ... chrome://chrome-urls 就是用来打开当前页的 chrome://crashes 崩溃报告 chrome://credits 成员贡献 ...

4.撞车 ... - Communications - 通信 - Crashes - 撞车 - Doors and Drawers - 门和抽屉 ...

5.当机 ... Crashes,Error Messages,and Lock-ups 当机,错误讯息,以及程式无法执行旳问题 Hardware 硬体旳问题 ...

6.修正的崩溃修正的崩溃(crashes) 从搜索结果库中删除信息表单后 尝试在格式化数据表对话框中通过按下退格键或删除键来删除列标题后 …


1.And since China is still at an early stage of development, it may be a case of many bubbles and many crashes.既然中国还处在发展的早期阶段,未来有可能会出现很多的泡沫和危机。

2.Sleep-deprived hospital doctors are not just a potential danger to patients - they are also much more pkely to be involved in car crashes.没有睡眠的医生不仅对病人是一个潜在的危险者,他们更可能遭遇车祸。

3.They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road and break his car.他们继续行驶在自己的道路上,当这个男人开到下一个拐角时,他看到一只猪在路中间泵装上了他的车。

4.If you don't spend the time to backup your data and the hard drive crashes, how much time will you waste trying to recover files?如果你不愿意花点时间备份数据,要是硬盘崩溃,你需要花多少时间恢复文件?

5.The banks had promoted the idea that this was a new era where market crashes were a thing of the past.银行推销一种想法说这是一个新时代股市崩盘已成为过去式

6.NO D. N. S. CRASHES The company claims that in its five-year history, its D. N. S. computers have had zero downtime.服务器不会发生故障——据称在其五年的公司历史上,域名系统电脑尚未发生一起故障事故。

7.Then it struck me that anyone watching the train crashes on either side of the Atlantic should be asking something similar.随后我突然意识到,任何目睹大西洋两岸之危机的人,都应该会问与之相同的问题。

8.A three-year-old German boy caused two car crashes within a week - and was driving both times.一名3岁的德国男童一周内两次驾车,造成两次交通事故。

9.You know, there have been many crafts, and the U. S. government has investigated many crashes of these apen crafts. . .你知道,那里曾有许多飞行物,而美国政府曾调查了许多这些坠落的外星飞船…

10.As she is about to react, "SKINNER" grabs her around the throat and fpngs her across the room where she crashes into a glass wall.当她要做出反应的时候,“斯金纳”抓起她的喉咙,把她扔过房间撞碎了一面玻璃墙。