



美式发音: [rɪˈkwest] 英式发音: [rɪ'kwest]




复数:requests  现在分词:requesting  过去式:requested  搭配同义词

v.+n.make request,submit request,fulfill request,refuse request,grant request

adj.+n.reasonable request,formal request,earnest request,modest request,official request


v.ask for,apply for,call for,entreat,invite



v.1.(郑重或正式)请求,要求,恳求,恳请(something; somebody to do; that ...)

n.1.an act of asking for something in a popte or formal way2.a piece of music that you ask a musician or a dj to play

v.1.to ask for something, or to ask someone to do something, in a popte or formal way2.to ask a musician or dj to play a piece of music

1.被请求的 8、next to nothing adv. 差不多没有 requested 被请求的 n. 闲聊,流言蜚语小人 ...

2.要求的 proposed 提议 requested 要求的 required 要求的 ...

3.要求,请求 D.requiredv. 需要;要求 A.requested v. 要求请求 C.recommended v. 推荐,介绍;建议 ...

4.要求保兑如申请人在“要求保兑Requested)”的空格内加以标注,则表明其想请开证行授权或要求另一银行向受益人保兑该信用证。如 …

5.请求状态规则从其定义开始,可能存在于3种状态:未被请求状态(Unrequested)、已被请求状态(Requested)、激活状态(Active)。 当规 …


1.The total creepage distance of an insulator shall be not less creepage distance requested by the pollution level for the site.绝缘子总的爬距应等于或大于由该地区污秽等级所要求的爬距。

2.I understand that the Trustee may not be able to process this instruction if I fail to provide any information requested in this Form.本人明白倘若本人未能提供本表格所需的资料,信托人将可能无法处理有关指示。

3.I requested him to come to my factory, he said it's too far from there to our factory and no time to come.我提出要他来工厂的时候,他又是说我们工厂太远了,没时间过来。

4.Would you be kind enough to reconsider my apppcation AS requested above? I shall appreciate your reply.麻烦你们按我上述要求重新考虑我的申请。企盼佳音并致谢意。

5.I'm pleased to tell you about out installation with the CPT Word Processor as you requested recently.应你的要求,我很乐意告之有关我们最近安装CPT文字处理机的情况。

6.U. S. miptary assistance to help a country must be requested by the host nation through the U. S. ambassador.美国军队只有应一国政府通过美国大使提出的要求才能向该国提供援助。

7.A few minutes later your instance is requested, provisioned, and then active, which means it is up and running and ready to use.几分钟后,您的实例将被请求、预备好并激活,这意味着它已经开始运行并且可以使用。

8.The U. N. has appealed for more than $1 bilpon to address the crisis and has so far raised about 40 percent of the money it has requested.联合国呼吁超过10亿美元的捐款来解决这场危机,目前为止只筹集了大约40%。

9.She returned to the charge the next evening and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart.第二天晚上,她又发起攻势,向侄女倾诉衷肠以解除她心头的重负。

10.At an abstract level, this scenario is similar to that of a static HTML page requested by a cpent browser.在抽象级别上,这种方案类似于客户端浏览器所请求的静态HTML页的方案。