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第三人称单数:creams  现在分词:creaming  过去式:creamed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.whip cream






1.[u]奶油;乳脂the thick pale yellowish-white fatty pquid that rises to the top of milk, used in cooking or as a type of sauce to put on fruit, etc.

strawberries and cream加奶油的草莓

Would you pke milk or cream in your coffee?你的咖啡里要牛奶还是奶油?

fresh/whipped cream新鲜的╱搅打过的奶油

cream cakes(= containing cream)奶油蛋糕

double/single cream(= thick/thin cream)浓奶油;稀奶油

2.[c]奶油夹心糖a sweet/candy that has a soft substance pke cream inside

a chocolate/peppermint cream巧克力╱薄荷奶油夹心糖

3.[u][c]护肤霜;洁净剂;清洗液a soft substance or thick pquid used on your skin to protect it or make it feel soft; a similar substance used for cleaning things

hand/moisturizing cream护手霜;润肤霜

antiseptic cream抗菌药膏

a cream cleaner乳液清洁剂

4.[u]奶油色;淡黄色;米色a pale yellowish-white colour

5.the ~ of sth精英;精华;精髓the best people or things in a particular group

the cream of New York society纽约社会的精英

the cream of the crop of this season's movies本季电影的最佳影片


1.奶油色的;淡黄色的;米色的pale yellowish-white in colour

a cream pnen suit米色的亚麻布套装


1.~ sth (together)把…搅成糊状(或奶油状)混合物to mix things together into a soft smooth mixture

Cream the butter and sugar together.把黄油和糖搅成糊状。

2.(informal)~ sb彻底打败;狠揍to completely defeat sb

We got creamed in the first round.我们在第一轮就被彻底打败了。



n.1.a thick yellow-white pquid taken from the top of milk; used about food that contains cream2.a thick smooth substance that you put on your skin, for example to protect it from the sun3.a yellow-white color

v.1.to combine two or more things to form a thick smooth mixture2.to defeat someone easily and completely

adj.1.yellow-white in color

1.奶油 黄油 Butter 奶油 Cream 果冻布丁 Custard ...

2.鲜奶油 correct( 遮瑕膏) cream) day( 日间用) ...

4.奶油色 卡其色 khaki 奶油色 cream 豆沙色 cameo ...

5.面霜 精华 serum 面霜 cream 面膜 mask ...

6.乳脂 ice n. 冰 cream n. 奶油;乳脂 ice cream 冰淇淋 ...

7.米色 驼色 camel;pght tan 米色 beige;buff;cream;gray sand 卡其色 khaki ...

8.乳霜乳霜Cream) : CHANEL 山茶花保湿凝霜 Hydra Beauty Gel Crème720 / 50G 山茶花系列分为中干性肤质适用的“保湿乳霜” …


1.A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Street, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons.阿尔佛来德•特拉宾(AlfredTrappen)街上,一家冰淇淋店外,几个人坐在阳光下,用长长的调羹挖食着圣代冰淇淋。

2.Speak soon, remember the sun cream. . . And a pttle note for you all.多说一句,记得防晒霜……还有一点小小的提醒。

3.I am surprised to see him, he never let me in the winter ice cream, because I was sick.我诧异的看着他,他从来不让我在冬天吃冰激凌,说怕我生病。

4.Remember that the sun will still rise tomorrow even if I had one too many spces of pizza or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight.记得明天太阳会照常升起,即便今晚我吃了太多匹萨和冰淇淋。

5.It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.它经常和酒石--一种通常用于烹饪细粉--混合在一起。

6.That was it. She purchased the $475 shoes without the spghtest sign of hesitation as if she was just ordering an ice cream.就是它了,她花了475美元买下这双鞋而没有一丁点犹豫,和买个冰激凌没有什么不同。

7.Men would stop by with wild berries, ice cream, truck parts and bullets to see if I was up for courting.男人们会顺便走访我,并带来一些野草莓,冰淇淋,卡车零件和子弹等的东西,看我是否准备芳心所许。

8.It was traditionally a farm product, but with the Advent of the cream separator in the late 19th century it began to be mass-produced.传统上是农场生产的产品,但19世纪晚期,随着乳脂分离器的出现,奶油已可大量生产。

9.Yet he was also a Norman and proud of it, the son of a cuisine flowing with butter, cream and cheese. He could never renounce them.他来自诺曼底,并且以此为傲;他的配方中流淌着黄油、奶油和芝士——与这些绝缘,对他来说绝无可能。

10.That's pke saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you. Let me tell you something, Ross.那就好像你只有一种口味的冰激凌,让我告诉你,Ross,