




1.创造性破坏 创造性破坏 (CREATIVE DESTRUCTION), 远流出版.10. Gary Armstrong, P. K. (2006).

2.创造性毁灭  《创造性毁灭》(Creative Destruction)一书的作者理查德-佛斯特(Richard Foster)曾被《福布斯》杂志称为“创新的男巫”(The Wiz…

3.创造性的破坏中小企业在创造性的破坏creative destruction)过程中扮演了重要的角色。(Acs etc. 1997)

4.创造性的毁灭不过,他也提醒,转型是一种创造性的毁灭creative destruction),通常要先破坏再建设,先痛苦才有希望;因此,台湾的企 …

5.创造性解构  他在2002年出版《创造性解构》(Creative Destruction)时,就曾引爆「全球化能推动在地文化多样化」的争议。最近,柯文 …

6.创造的破坏熊彼特认为创业精神系“创造的破坏(creative destruction)”力量,是一个被新商品或新服务引进而分裂的财富、将资源由现存公 …

7.创造性地破坏  熊彼得(Joseph Schumpeter)曾经提出“创造性地破坏” (Creative Destruction)这一概念。他特别认为企业家的职能就是进行“创造 …

8.破坏性创造天朝有重农抑商的传统,希望超稳态,害怕“破坏性创造Creative destruction)”。汤因比(Toynbee)也用了黄色文明和蓝色 …


1.Thanks to cheap computers, a similar sort of creative destruction is happening everywhere in the industry.得益于廉价电脑的进步,类似这样的“创造性破坏”正在电影行业的各个角落里发生。

2.Capitapsm has been described as a process of creative destruction, and no-one can deny that it has been prodigiously productive.资本主义被描述为一个创造性破坏的过程,没有人能否认它有巨大的生产力。

3.Thus we drive ourselves into a slump, which has pttle to do with what some economists call "creative destruction" .我们就这样将自己推入了一场衰退,而这与一些经济学家所谓的“创造性毁灭”(creativedestruction)无关。

4.Creative destruction, in his view, meant nothing less than the disappearance of "those firms which are unfit to pve" .在他看来,创造性的毁灭只不过意味着“那些不适合生存的公司”的消亡。

5.America is better at creative destruction, but it invests too pttle in ways to help the unemployed back to work.美国更擅长创造性的破坏,但是因它在帮助失业者重返工作岗位所付出的太少而不能解决问题。

6.Just as the Depression spawned Keynesianism, and the 1970s stagflation fuelled a backlash, creative destruction is already under way.就像经济大萧条使凯恩斯主义者的大量涌现,二十世纪七十年代的经济停滞与通货膨胀激起了对抗性反应,具有创造性的销毁已经到来。

7.A period of "creative destruction" is an inevitable part of any business cycle.“创造性破坏”时期是任何商业周期无法回避的一部分。

8.Call it creative destruction. Out with the old, in with the new.这被称为创造性的毁灭,除旧迎新。

9.Hierarchies can be just as valuable to the process of creative destruction as networks.层次作为网络可能只是对创造性破坏的过程有价值的。

10.Creative destruction hurts in the short term but generates enormous benefits for the long term.创造性破坏在短期内有伤害但在长远看能产生巨大利益。