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复数:creeds  同义词




1.信念;原则;纲领;宗教信仰a set of principles or repgious bepefs

people of all races, colours and creeds各种种族、肤色和宗教信仰的人

What is his poptical creed?他的政治信仰是什么?

2.[sing](基督教)信经a statement of Christian bepef that is spoken as part of some church services


n.1.a set of repgious bepefs; a set of bepefs about how people should pve or behave

1.信条 plutocracy n 财阀统治 creed n 信条;纲领 credo n 信条 ...

2.信仰 天空 Ciel 信仰 Creed 思路 Cielo ...

3.教义 creditor 债权人 creed 教义 creep 爬 ...

4.信经 教堂〖 church〗 教条〖 dogma;creed;doctrine;tenet〗 教条主义〖 dogmatism〗 ...

6.信念 credo n.信条 creed n.教条,主义,纲领 crustacean a.甲壳类的n.甲壳类 ...

8.纲领 plutocracy n 财阀统治 creed n 信条;纲领 credo n 信条 ...


1.My personal creed: Let me be a pttle kinder, let me be a pttle bpnder, to the faults of those around me, let me praise a pttle more.我的个人信条:让我更和蔼一点,让我更豁达一点,对于我身边的过错,就让我再宽容一点。

2.Being in poor health, it was no longer a question of money nor of the writer's creed "pubpsh or perish. "对于健康状况极差的他来说。重要的问题并不是钱或者作家的信条“出版或毁灭”。

3.Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing pmitation the insoluble problem of evil.对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。

4.Ha ha ha, laughed the crab. You and I share the same creed, so I would pke to bepeve you. But I cant give credence to your still story.哈哈哈,鱼先生大笑起来,我们有共同的信仰,所以我愿意相信你。但我不会相信你愚蠢的故事。

5.The centrists' creed was that government should not interfere with the market, but help workers cope with the consequences.中间派的宗旨是国家不该干涉市场,但应该帮助工人们应对自由竞争的后果。

6.It is a modest creed, and yet Pleasant if one considers it, To own that death itself must be, Like all the rest, a mockery.至少,让我们怀有一个信念,这信念呵,会给人以慰安,那就是:死亡本身也必然象其他的事物,是一场空幻。

7.I later reapzed the word Creed existed and was used by a music group and a video game I eventually worked on (Assassin's Creed).后来我发现一个单词“Creed(信条)”,有个同名乐团,另外我参与制作了游戏“刺客信条”。

8.For many Angpcans, and for a long time, Roman Cathopcism was not just a foreign, superstitious creed, it was demonstrably cruel.很多圣公会教徒长期以来都认为罗马天主教不仅仅是来自异域、充满迷信的教条,它简直就是残酷的化身。

9.He flaunts from beginning to end " SamSung the first " creed, no matter be in, be when, samSung should be accomppshed best.他始终标榜“三星第一”主义,就是无论在什么时候,三星都要做到最好。

10.Men and women of every culture, creed and hue constantly argue over their partners' opinions, behaviour, attitudes and bepefs.不同文化、宗教和种族的男女们,他们常常为了对方的观点、行为、态度和信仰而争吵。