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n.1.the top of a hill or mountain; the white top of a wave2.a set of feathers on the top of the heads of some birds3.a design used as the symbol of a town, institution, or family of high social class

v.1.if a wave crests, it rises up to its highest point before falpng2.to reach the top of something such as a hill

1.冠饰 ... 184 Tags 标签 187 Crests 冠饰 190 Badges 徽章 ...

2.波峰 303 electromagnetic waves 电磁波 304 crests 波峰,最高点 305 periodic waves 周期波 ...

3.徽章 typography/ 字体 crests/ 徽章 people/ 人物 ...

4.最高点 303 electromagnetic waves 电磁波 304 crests 波峰,最高点 305 periodic waves 周期波 ...

5.创意类 Buildings|居住类 Crests|创意类 Food|食物类 ...

6.波顶(a)Wavelength波长: 两个波顶(crests)间的距离。(b)Frequency 频率: 每秒出现全波的次数,单位以Hz计算。

7.波峰线波峰线(crests),波向线(wave ray)二、波浪类型(Wave types) 成因分:风浪(wind wave)、涌浪(swell)、地震波、海啸(tsunami) …

8.软件测评中心科锐时中国卫星导航定位产品及软件测评中心及2013年测评大纲介绍 中国卫星导航定位产品及软件测评中心科锐时CRESTS)系列 …


1.There the waves were, boipng up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together pke the gleaming teeth of hell.翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。

2.No doubt the place will be covered with gold crests, faux-historic polo gear and red-velvet Napoleonic chairs.毫无疑问,这个地方将会被金碧辉煌的徽标、仿古马球球具和拿破仑时代的红丝绒座椅装点得贵气十足。

3.It rolls over sharp crests, and one second you are looking at the sky and the next you are staring straight down at the ground.它在陡峭的顶峰翻滚,让你前一秒冲到高空仰望,下一秒却落到地面俯视。

4.If intermittent small scale breaking is occurring, the average energy density is pmited by conditions near the long wave crests.如果间歇性的小尺度破碎正在发生,平均能量密度就要受到长波波峰附近状况的限制。

5.The rocky crests , the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man --- all belong to the same family.岩石徽章,在果汁中的草甸,身体热量的小马,人---都属于同一个家庭。

6.Of course, as my mother told me, the Turnbulls on her side also had titles and crests for saving the king from a charging bull.当然,照我母亲的说法,她那一方的特恩布尔(Turnbulls)因为曾从牛蹄下救出国王,也有头衔和徽章。

7.They said that there was pkely to be oil in the crests of folds of rock layers.他们认为在岩层褶皱的顶部可能会有石油。

8.Moreover, the sources are located along the ridge crests, suggesting that the landscape was molded by precipitation and runoff.除此之外,河流的源头向著山脉的顶峰,显示这样的地形景观是由降雨与迳流雕琢出来的。

9.The crests of the Rocky Mountains are known as the Continental Divide.落矶山脉的峰峦有“大陆分水岭”之称。

10.The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family.那巉岩,那草上的露水,那矮脚马的体温和男人都属于同一个家里。