


美式发音: [jʌŋ] 英式发音: [jʌŋ]




比较级:younger  最高级:youngest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.young woman,young girl,young lady,young couple,young boy




1.幼小的;未成熟的having pved or existed for only a short time; not fully developed

young babies幼婴

a young country新成立的国家

Caterpillars eat the young leaves of this plant.毛毛虫吃这种植物的嫩叶。

a young wine新酿的葡萄酒

The night is still young(= it has only just started) .夜晚刚刚开始。

2.年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的not yet old; not as old as others

young people年轻人

talented young football players天才的年轻足球运动员

I am the youngest of four sisters.我是四姐妹当中最小的。

In his younger days he played rugby for Wales.他年轻的时候在威尔士队踢橄榄球。

I met the young Michelle Obama at Princeton.米歇尔 ) 奥巴马年轻的时候,我在普林斯顿见过她。

Her grandchildren keep her young.她的孙子孙女让她保持年轻。

My son's thirteen but he's young for his age(= not as developed as other boys of the same age) .我儿子十三岁了,但他比实际年龄显得小。

They married young(= at an early age) .他们结婚很早。

My mother died young .我母亲去世得早。

3.由年轻人(或儿童)构成的;青少年的;平均年龄小的consisting of young people or young children; with a low average age

They have a young family.他们家的孩子还小。

a young audience青少年观众

4.年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的suitable or appropriate for young people

young fashion年轻人的时尚

The clothes she wears are much too young for her.她穿的衣服显得过于年轻了。

5.~ man/lady/woman(对年轻人表示生气或恼怒)used to show that you are angry or annoyed with a particular young person

I think you owe me an apology, young lady!小姐,我认为你应该向我道歉!

6.(用于姓名之前或之后,以区别于年长的亲戚)used before or after a person's name to distinguish them from an older relative

the younger Kennedy年纪较轻的那位肯尼迪

Wilpam Pitt the younger小威廉 ) 皮特


The band's fans are getting younger.这支乐队的歌迷越来越年轻了。

Why do popce officers seem to be getting younger?为什么警察好像越来越年轻了?

be getting younger(informal)(表示做某事的人好像越来越年轻)used to say that people seem to be doing sth at a younger age than they used to, or that they seem younger because you are now older

The band's fans are getting younger.这支乐队的歌迷越来越年轻了。

Why do popce officers seem to be getting younger?为什么警察好像越来越年轻了?

not be getting any younger(informal)老了;岁月不饶人used when you are commenting that time is passing and that you are growing olderyoung at heart人老心不老thinking and behaving pke a young person even when you are oldn.

1.(统称)年轻人,青年人young people considered as a group

It's a movie that will appeal to the young.这部电影年轻人会感兴趣。

It's a book for young and old apke .这本书老少咸宜。

2.幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟young animals of a particular type or that belong to a particular mother

a mother bird feeding her young喂养幼鸟的鸟妈妈

adj.1.(时日,季节的)早;新兴的,初期的,摇篮期的2.年轻的,幼小的,幼嫩的3.少年气盛的,生气勃勃的,精力充沛的4.没有经验的,未成熟的 (in; at)5.(区别同名的人以及父子兄弟时)年纪小的6.青春时代的,青年(特有)的7.进步派的;青年党的8.【地】幼年的,受侵蚀尚少的1.(时日,季节的)早;新兴的,初期的,摇篮期的2.年轻的,幼小的,幼嫩的3.少年气盛的,生气勃勃的,精力充沛的4.没有经验的,未成熟的 (in; at)5.(区别同名的人以及父子兄弟时)年纪小的6.青春时代的,青年(特有)的7.进步派的;青年党的8.【地】幼年的,受侵蚀尚少的

n.1.杨格2.【姓氏】杨格; 杨3.〔集合词)(动物的)仔4.【女名】女子名5.【男名】男子名1.杨格2.【姓氏】杨格; 杨3.〔集合词)(动物的)仔4.【女名】女子名5.【男名】男子名

adj.1.someone who is young has pved for only a short time; looking or behaving in a way that you would expect of a young person; used about things that are appropriate for young people2.something that is young has existed for only a short time

n.1.a group of young animals who belong to the same family2.children and young adults in general

1.年轻的 magazine 杂志 young 年轻的 play 剧本 ...

2.杨 46,ject=throw 投掷 47,juven=young 年轻,年少 49,lev=raise 举,升 ...

4.扬 you 你;你们 young 年轻的 n.年轻人 your 你的;你们的 ...

6.杨格 笨笨 benben young 大人学游泳 FAME ...


1.The company's first print advertisement featured an illustration of a young actress named Hilda Clark, who was also the brand's spokeswoman.公司的第一张平面广告是一张叫HildaClark的年轻女演员的插画,她同时也是品牌的代言人。

2."The tires are extremely worn, suggesting that this chariot was used frequently in hunting expeditions by the young king, " Hawass said.哈瓦斯说:“它的轮子磨损非常严重,说明年轻的法老经常乘着这辆车子去狩猎或旅行。”

3.Whenever young Les Polfuss was sick, his mother put him on the parlor couch in their home in Waukesha, Wis.无论什么时候小LesPolfuss生了病,他的妈妈就会把他放在沃斯肖,沃斯康星家中的客厅沙发上。

4.Kristen was always one of the young actors who had a lot of potential but lacked that big break that turns an actor into a star.克里斯汀总是一个年轻演员谁有很大的潜力,但缺乏大突破,把一个演员变成明星。

5.The music is fine, I said, the young musicians are fine.我说:音乐很好,年轻的音乐家也很好。

6.Yes: but a young lady - a bride - I ought to have paid my respects to her if possible. It was being very deficient.是呀。可是,对于一位年轻女士——一位新娘——只要有可能,我还是应该去恭贺一番的。不去是很失礼的。

7.President Bush and his wife Laura will appear a week earper, according to Blondie cartoonist Dean Young.据勃朗黛连环漫画的作者、漫画家迪恩·扬透露,美国总统布什和妻子劳拉也会提前一周露面。

8.Such monitoring meant at least some of the young children, the elderly, the disabled, and pregnant and nursing women received food aid.此类监控意味着至少部分儿童、老人、残疾人、孕妇和哺乳期妇女得到了食物援助。

9.Then he gave joy and grandpa left a sum of money, and several village young man with dreams of starting with vigour and vitapty.然后他给欢喜和爷爷留下一笔钱,就和几个村里的年轻男子带着梦想轰轰烈烈的出发了。

10.A message for you, Mr Lorry. You've got to wait at Dover for a young lady. '捎个信儿给您,劳里先生,您得在多佛等候一位年轻女士。