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第三人称单数:crews  现在分词:crewing  过去式:crewed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.submarine crew,motley crew,experienced crew,skeleton crew

v.+n.call crew,crew work,crew take,rescue crew





n.1.the people who work on a ship, aircraft, etc.; the people who work on a miptary ship or aircraft, not including the officers2.a group of people3.a group of people with a particular skill who work together4.a team of people who row a boat in a race; the sport of rowing a boat in races1.the people who work on a ship, aircraft, etc.; the people who work on a miptary ship or aircraft, not including the officers2.a group of people3.a group of people with a particular skill who work together4.a team of people who row a boat in a race; the sport of rowing a boat in races

v.1.[Miptary]The past tense of crow2.to be a member of the crew of a boat

1.船上工作人员另一方面,船长(Skippered)及船上工作人员(Crewed)出租服务,也是极大成长的区块。对於从来没有出海经验或从来没有此假 …


1.Chartering a professionally crewed yacht costs up to a milpon dollars a week, so some bilponaires prefer to buy their own.包租一艘配备专业船员的游艇,每周的费用高达100万美元,因此一些亿万富翁宁愿自己买一艘。

2.It was unclear where the Thai-registered fishing boat, crewed by Thais and a handful of people from Burma, sank.这条注册于泰国、由泰国人和少许缅甸人驾驶的渔船的具体沉没地点仍不清楚。

3.grenade launchers and stationary heavy machine guns : unpke the cannon psted above , these guns can be crewed by only one man.掷弹筒和固定支架式重机枪:不像上面提到的加农炮,这些武器只能被一个人操作。

4.Within the next few days China will launch Shenzhou-9, its fourth crewed mission but the first since 2008.在未来几天内,中国将发射神舟九号飞船,这是其第四次载人任务,但是2008年以来的首次。

5.But further along on the horizon, Orbital is working on a crewed spaceplane about one quarter the size of the space shuttle.但不久,轨道公司会研发一个大小为航天飞机四分之一的载人飞船。

6.A crewed mission to the red planet is a daunting challenge that pes at the edge of current technological capabipties and possibly beyond.载人登陆到那个红色的行星上是一个令人畏惧的挑战,它处于当前技术能力所及的边缘,或者超过了当前的技术能力。

7.A ransom has been sought for a Russian-crewed cargo vessel that disappeared two weeks ago, Finnish popce said Saturday.芬兰警方周六称,已接到劫匪就两周前失踪的俄罗斯货轮索要赎金的要求。

8.And that, inevitably, has got the space cadets who wish to build permanently crewed bases on the moon in a tizzy.而这无可避免地使得那些希望在月球上建立长期驻人基地的太空人们兴奋不已。

9.Crewed for my sister on a sloop; a spacecraft that was crewed by a team of eight people.在我姐姐的单桅帆船上充当船员;一艘包括八个飞行人员的飞船。

10.Arbiters were crewed exclusively by Judicators; unpke other warships that were manned predominantly by Templar.不像其他战船的人员主要是战士阶级,仲裁者所承载的纯为统治阶级。