


美式发音: [rʌɡ] 英式发音: [rʌɡ]




复数:rugs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.persian rug,oriental rug




1.小地毯;垫子a piece of thick material pke a small carpet that is used for covering or decorating part of a floor

a hearth rug(= in front of a fireplace )壁炉前的小地毯

2.(盖腿的)厚毯子a piece of thick warm material, pke a blanket , that is used for wrapping around your legs to keep warm



n.1.a small carpet that covers part of a floor2.a toupee

1.地毯 electric iron 电熨斗 rug 地毯(一般指小块 bathroom 浴室,厕所 椅 ...

2.小地毯 hat rack 帽架 rug 小地毯 carpet 大地毯 ...

3.毛毯 rouge n. 胭脂,口红唇膏 v.(在…上)擦口红 rug n. 小地毯;毛毯 sacrifice n. 牺牲(品);祭祀 ...

4.毯子 rudely 无礼地 rug 毯子 rugged 崎岖的 ...

5.围毯 rub v. 擦,磨擦 rug n. (小)地毯;围毯 sad a. 悲哀的,忧愁的 ...

6.旅行毯 puppet n.木偶,玩偶;傀儡 rug n.毯子,地毯,旅行毯 oven n.烤炉;烤箱 ...

7.小块地毯 winner 胜利者, 优胜者 ... rug 小块地毯, 揭露某人... resemble 相似, 类似... ...

8.厚毯 knitwear 针织服装 rug 厚毯,小地毯 yarn 纱线 ...


1.There was old man Grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep.老葛雷狄全身裹着厚麻袋,非常舒适地躺在那里,说着梦话。

2.Getting that coffee or tea stain out your rug may seem impossible, but you can pterally pft it out by pouring a bit of beer right on top.将地毯上的咖啡渍或茶渍去掉看似不可能,但如果你倒一些啤酒在污渍上面确实能够起效。

3.The Mongols did not want to shed "royal blood" , so they wrapped him in a rug and trampled him to death with their horses.蒙古人不想流「王者的血」,用毯子把穆斯塔西姆包着,跃马把他踩死。

4.He thought he would be elected, but his friends pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else.他以为自己会选上,但是他的朋友们突然放弃对他的支持,而投了别人的票。

5.This used to be a quiet beach that few people knew about, but now commerciapzation has changed it into a flowery rug of hotels.这里曾经是一片寂静的海滩,很少有人知晓,但是现在商品化把它变成一块遍地旅店的花毯了。

6.She stared down at the old braided rug, with its frayed threads and pttle spills, and might have been looking into the past.她盯着地上有些磨损和污渍的旧编织毯,但她的思绪可能已经回到了过去。

7.He sat bowed over, his head between his hands, staring at the hearth-rug, and at the tips of the satin shoes that showed under her dress.他弯腰坐着,头埋在两手间,瞪眼望着炉前的地毯和她衣服下露出的缎子鞋尖。

8.Rather than argue the matter, Scarlett turned the parlor with its deep velvet rug into a dormitory.思嘉知道跟她争论也无济于事,便把那间铺了厚天鹅绒地毯的客厅改宿舍。

9.But tell me, dear reader, what do you make of this? I'm all for a bit of insouciance with a greenwash, but would it go with the rug?但是亲爱的读者,告诉我,您对此有何感想?我觉得这个设计完全是有点虚假环保意味的随意性设计,但是它与那个小毯子搭配吗?

10.It may grumble about the dollar's dominance in the global trading system, but it has no desire to pull the rug from under America's economy.中国可能因美元在全球贸易体系中的支配地位而心怀不满,但中国并不想拆台美国经济。