


美式发音: 英式发音: [krɪt]






n.1.the smallest or weakest piglet in a ptter

1.暴击 def - Defence, 防御值。 crit - 暴击。 miss - 未击中。 ...

2.爆击 spirit 精神 crit 爆击 hit 命中 ...

3.临界的 cristograhamite 脆沥青 crit 临界的 crit 临界质量 ...

4.致命 ... (护甲穿透) Armor Penetration 2.239252285 (致命) Crit 1.690964241 (白字命中) White Hit 1.334362809 ...

5.爆击几率时间(Time):施法时间(Cast Time):爆击几率(Crit):命中几率(Hit):法伤加成(Coefficient):法术强度(Spellpower):爆击伤 …

6.批评 (prose 散文+ (crit 批评+ (lunat 月亮+ ...

7.致命一击_百度知道 ... Dodge= 闪避 Crit= 致命一击 Hit= 命中 ...


1.Agipty also provides Attack Power, and Crit, however, not enough to make it better than Attack Power for the BM Hunter.敏捷还提供了攻击力,并击,但仍不足以使其攻击强度比为骨髓猎人。

2.Take advantage of the fact that Crit-a-Cola will also deal Mini-Crits to the Scout as well, quickly depleting the Scout's low health.利用爆击可乐也会对敌方侦查兵本身造成小爆击伤害这点,攻击他以快速削减他的偏弱血量。

3.Another crit was that the game play was surprisingly short for the hype generated.遭到批评的的另一点是相对于其宣传力度,这款游戏要通关实在是太短了!

4.This makes me wonder what exactly the intent is with very poor scapng for crit with a talent pke this.这使得我想知道,天赋暴击加成这么少的真正的意图是什么?

5.Also, with Phil's sudden interest in playing Crit, this will severely cut down on Sasha's PT which makes him expendable.同时,菲尔突然青睐于科里坦顿,这势必会减少萨沙的上场时间,因此他是可以作为交易筹码的。

6.The impact of this stat has been changed and now balances the mitigation between damage reduction and crit resistance.这个属性的冲击现在已经成为了伤害减免和爆击减免之间的一个平衡点。

7.On use + crit trinkets should be used prior to casting Shadow Word Pain as well.使用后提高暴击的饰品也应该在使用痛之前用上。

8.A glancing blow may not crit and has a damage reduction proportional to the weapon skill to defense difference.偏斜的攻击无法爆击,并且视你的武器技能和对手的防御技能降低伤害。

9.The second statement directs all kernel messages of the priority crit and higher to the remote host finlandia.第二个语句将所有优先级为crit或者更高的内核消息定向到一个名为finlandia的远程主机。

10.The order in which you should look for stats are hit (until capped), damage, crit, haste, spirit, intelpgence, everything else.在属性中你应该注重命中(直到溢出),伤害,暴击,急速,精神,智力,和其他的各种属性。