



美式发音: [dʒʌmp] 英式发音: [dʒʌmp]





第三人称单数:jumps  现在分词:jumping  过去式:jumped  搭配同义词

v.+n.jump queue,jump ship,jump fence


v.soar,shoot,fly,bounce,be surprised


v.1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮



v.1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them

n.1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over

1.跳跃 DoTabbr. (美国)运输部 jumped n. 跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 tasteful adj. 有鉴赏力的 ...

2.跳下 ... health 健康,卫生;身体状况 jumped 跳下 kind Kind 种类,性质,方式(a.)亲切的,仁慈的,和蔼的 ...

3.跃居 jump ship - 跳槽 jumped - 被偷袭 lucha pbre - 墨西哥的摔角联盟 ...

6.跳到女孩的身上 闭上眼睛 closed 跳到女孩的身上 jumped 很慢地睁开眼睛 opened ...

7.跳出从本空后的were out可知,两只驯鹿“跳出jumped)”篱笆,不知道跑到了哪里。42. D。


1.The imperfect interface with a continuous normal displacement and a jumped tangential displacement is called a spding interface.只有切线方向的位移间断,而法线方向位移连续的弱界面称之为滑动界面。

2.I jumped up to put the fire out and only to see a big hole left in the sheet.我跳了起来,把火扑灭,却看到在纸上剩下一个大洞。

3.In the run-up to the government's release of its stress test results and in the aftermath of that news, this sector jumped considerably.追溯到之前的政府公开其压力测试的结果时,在这一消息之后,该部门增长很大。

4.Then he jumped into the casket, put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger before the shocked undertakers could stop him, Ananova reports.然后,他跳进棺材,把枪指着他的头部和扣动扳机前震惊殡仪馆能够阻止他,安娜诺娃报告。

5.Tom immediately grabbed a long knife, jumped astride her prostrate body, and with a great strong stroke, cut her head almost completely off.汤姆立即抓起一把长刀,一下跨在她倒下的身体上,使劲割下去,她的头几乎被齐齐地割下来。

6.Mary was standing in the middle of her room when they opened the door a few minutes later. The two men jumped back in surprise.几分钟后,他们推开门,玛丽站在房间的中间,两个男人吓得跳了回去。

7.She jumped out the door and wanted to run away, but a man overtook her on the stairs and brought her back.她朝门口冲了过去,想要逃走,可在台阶上被一个男子拦住了去路,又给拉了回来。

8.When Mr. Rabbit saw this he knew that Fox was not dead. He jumped up and ran out of the house as quickly as he could.当兔子看到这些,他意识到狐狸并没有死,他跳起来拼命地跑了出去

9.At that instant my sister, who took unholy joy in scaring me, jumped off the stairs at me with a shriek. Yaaaaaaaaaa!在那一片刻,我的姊姊以吓我而得到不可理喻的快乐,尖叫一声「呀--!」由楼梯冲着我跳过来。

10.The soldiers bricked up the front doors but people jumped out of the windows, " he said. "士兵们用砖封死了前门而人们只能从窗子里跳出来。