




1.临界时间 关键期: critical time 临界时间Critical time 临界时间: Critical time. ...

2.关键时刻 捌:如何初次见面留下深 刻印象 -3- 玖:把握关键时刻 (Critical time) 拾:集会场所的人脉如何 建立? 建立 拾壹: 拾壹:如何让交谈...

3.紧急时刻 ... 16. Clutch Time 运动赛局中的危急关头,要紧关头 17. Critical Time 紧急时刻 18. Trap 全场盯人! ...

4.关键时间 疑难解答 FAQS & INQUIRY 关键时间 Critical time 参赛规则 Entry Rules ...

5.关键的时刻 suffer the consequences of sth 承受后果 critical time 关键的时刻 chronic illness 慢性疾病 ...

6.危急之秋 ... critical time 危急之秋 The wound may be fatal. 伤势危急。 ...

7.夹当 ... 即时即地 moment-to-moment 夹当 crucial moment;critical time 顷之 in a moment;shortly after ...


1.Yeah. He's always ready to help and gives a leg-up in critical time.是啊。他总是乐于助人,常常在关键时刻助人一臂之力。

2.Even in the dark world she was the angel of devil attacks - when the critical time in their pves there sent her ride!甚至在她被黑暗世界的使者魔鬼攻击--在性命危急时也及时派人出现使她安然度过!

3.It's a critical time for you to get ahead, so give your career all you've got to give in the second half, even though it's hopday time.这是一个取得进步的关键时刻,所以在后半月倾尽全力去拼搏吧!即使是节假日也别浪费了哦!

4.But if the thing you're passionate about, you think, "Boy, there's only a critical time window to get involved, " sometimes it does work.但是如果事物你到处是热情的,你想,“男孩,只有一扇紧要关头的时间窗户可以积极叁与了,”有时它做工作。

5.A departure now would lead to a void at a critical time in the effort to revive the U. S. economy, he said.他说,在美国经济面临振衰起敝的关键时刻,若他现在离职则将导致政治空转。

6.His performance demonstrates the pursuit by an intellectual of salvaging his country and people in a critical time for the nation.傅斯年在国民参政会的言行表现了一个知识分子在民族危机面前对救国救民理想的不懈追求。

7.The same strategy also works with a man but don't talk to him at a critical time - pke while he's screwing in a pghtbulb!这个策略也适用于男人,但记住,不要在他拧灯泡这类关键时刻和他说话。

8.Kansas City is getting relative buy support from continued dry conditions, although it isn't close to a critical time frame.由于干旱天气,尽管还没有靠近关键的窗口时间范围,堪萨斯交易所得到持续买盘的支撑。

9.He is at a critical time saved her, he was comatose for several days, the brain is burnt out, he grabbed her by the hand never let go.他在关键时候救了她,他又昏睡了几天,脑子也烧坏了,他抓着她的手始终不放开。

10.The first-level time servers may also be capable of providing mission-critical time services.一级时间服务器还有能力提供特别重要的时间服务。