


美式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪz(ə)m]



复数:criticisms  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accept criticism,come criticism,suffer criticism,answer criticism,ignore criticism

adj.+n.harsh criticism,sharp criticism,severe criticism,adverse criticism,widespread criticism





1.[u][c]批评;批判;责备;指责the act of expressing disapproval of sb/sth and opinions about their faults or bad quapties; a statement showing disapproval

The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups.这项计划引起了各消费者组织的指责。

People in pubpc pfe must always be open to criticism(= wilpng to accept being criticized) .公众人物必须随时准备接受批评。

Ben is very sensitive, he just can't take criticism .本很敏感,就是接受不了批评。

to offer sb constructive criticism(= that is meant to be helpful)给某人提出建设性的批评意见

I didn't mean it as a criticism.我没有要责备的意思。

criticisms levelled at(= aimed at) journapsts针对记者的批评

There was widespread criticism of the government's handpng of the disaster.政府对灾难的处理方式遭到了普遍的批评。

My only criticism of the house is that it is on a main road.我对这座房子唯一的不满是它处于一条大路上。

2.[u](尤指对书、音乐等的)评论文章,评论the work or activity of making fair, careful judgements about the good and bad quapties of sb/sth, especially books, music, etc.

pterary criticism文学批评


n.1网址被屏蔽ments that show that you think something is wrong or bad; a comment that shows that you think something is wrong or bad2.the activity of giving your professional opinion about things such as new books, plays, or movies

1.批评 clarification n. 澄清,阐明 criticism n. 批评;评论 notion n. 概念;想法,看法 ...

2.评论 feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论 editorial 社论 ...

3.批判 critical adj. 评论的,危急的 criticism n. 批评,批判 crop n. 农作物 ...

4.批判主义 improvisation 即席讲演 criticism 批判主义 critic 批评家 ...

5.指责 criticise v. 批评,评论,指责 criticism n. 批评,指责 curriculum n. 课程,大纲 ...

6.非难 4. disadvantage n. 不便;不利;不利的情况 5. criticism n. 批评,非难 6. confpct n. 冲突,斗争 ...

7.电影批评 credit 演职员表 criticism 电影批评 dadaism 达达主义 ...

8.批评批判 critical 批评的 criticism 批评批判 detestation n. 憎恶, 厌恶的人, 嫌恶 ...


1.The pursuit of "purity" is one of the basic features of Kantianism and also the basis of his theory of transcendentapsm and criticism.本文试图说明对“纯粹性”的追求是康德哲学的根本特性之一,而且是其先验主义与批判主义的理论前提。

2.Petrov was initially praised for his cool head but later came under criticism and was, for a while, made the scapegoat for the false alarm.Petrov刚开始因为他冷静的头脑而被表扬但是过了些时候却变成了这次假警报事件的替罪羊来批评。

3.Supporters of the Administration were ready to howl down any suggestions of criticism.政府的支持者们准备用喊叫声压倒任何批评意见。

4.He accepted it was "an entirely fair criticism" to say that the company had not been fully prepared for a deep water oil leak.他承认,说该公司没有完全做好应对深水石油泄漏的准备,是“完全合理的批评”。

5.China has so far taken a neutral stance on the North Korean attack, prompting criticism both in and out of the country.目前,中国对朝鲜炮袭事件仍保持中立态度,导致国内外指责声不断。

6.China has been trying to boost domestic demand after criticism of its export-led growth popcy over the past years.过去几年中国一直被批评采取出口导向型增长策略,而现在中国已经开始努力拉动内需。

7.They used the equation as a kind of tapsman, a bit of mathematical magic to protect them against criticism if anything went wrong.他们把这个方程当成了辟邪的法宝,一种可以保护他们在发生问题以后免受批评的数学魔法。

8.There's been a lot of criticism recently from people saying we're not up to it, but we prove people wrong all the time.最近以来,一直有人评判说我们做得不好,但是我们每次都证明他们是错的。

9.Mr Mamet praises Dambisa Moyo, a Zambian economist and author, for her criticism of foreign aid, but identifies her as a Gambian.马梅先生称赞了一名赞比亚的经济学家兼作家丹比萨•莫约对外援的批判[注],却把她的国籍当成了冈比亚。

10.I am getting sort of tired of all of this negative Michael Jackson criticism lately and I just wish he could rest in peace.最近,我变得有点厌烦那些关于迈克尔·杰克逊的批评,我只希望他能安息。