




1.苏州园林 龙门石窟 Longmen Stone Cave 苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens 庐山 Lushan Mountain ...

2.苏州有很多园林2.苏州有很多园林Suzhou gardens), 都很美丽。 3.苏州离上海近,开汽车到上海只需大约1小时。


1.Miss Li: They each have their respective characteristics, but I think the Suzhou gardens are more enchanting.小李:各有各的特点,我觉得苏州因林更迷人。

2.The layout of the building has both the flavor of Suzhou gardens and the characteristics of ancient Greek architecture.全楼的设施布局既有苏州园林的印迹,也有古希腊建筑的特点。

3.Several representative famous gardens of Suzhou gardens were briefly introduced and their scenic arts and ideas were analyzed.简单介绍了苏州园林的几个代表名园,并就其构景艺术及理念进行了分析。

4.People who know Suzhou gardens would understand that their builders have the same social status called pterati.而但凡了解苏州园林的人都知道,它们的构建者都有着相同的社会地位,也有着一个统一的名字——文人士大夫。

5.Canglang Pavipon located in the Suzhou city, cang lang booth Street, is the most ancient extant Suzhou gardens.沧浪亭位于苏州城南沧浪亭街,是现存苏州最古的园林。

6.Suzhou gardens we also a The world of it!那么我们苏州的园林也是甲天下的口巴!

7.What fun it is to visit Suzhou gardens!参观苏州园林是多么令人开心的事啊!

8.If you went to Suzhou, you will then need to visit the Suzhou gardens.假如你们来到苏州一定要去游览一下苏州园林。

9.Yes, there're many. For example, the Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan Province, Suzhou Gardens, Jiuzhaigou, five great mountains, and so on.当然,很多。像四川省的黄龙风景区、苏州园林、九寨沟、五岳,等等。

10.Skills of Suzhou gardens used in urban landscape--With green belt around ancient towns of Suzhou as an example苏州园林在城市绿地景观中的运用--以苏州市环古城绿化带为例