


美式发音: [kroʊk] 英式发音: [krəʊk]




复数:croaks  现在分词:croaking  过去式:croaked  同义词





1.[i]发出(像青蛙的)低沉沙哑声;呱呱地叫to make a rough low sound, pke the sound a frog makes

2.[i][t]用低沉而沙哑的声音说话to speak or say sth with a rough low voice

I had a sore throat and could only croak.我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。

He managed to croak a greeting.他勉强用沙哑的嗓音打招呼。

‘I'm fine,’ she croaked.“我没事。”她哑着嗓子说。

3.[i]死;咽气to die


1.(像青蛙发出的)低沉沙哑的声音,呱呱的叫声a rough low sound made in the throat, pke the sound made by a frog



n.1.the low loud rough sound that a frog makes2.the low rough sound of someones voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat

v.1.when a frog croaks, it makes a low loud rough sound in its throat2.to speak or say something in a low rough voice that sounds as if you have a sore throat3.to die

1.青蛙 27、兔子: mumble 1、青蛙: croak 2、蟾蜍: shriek ...

2.嘶哑的叫声 coo 唧唧咕咕地讲 话、 croak 嘶哑的叫声、 crow 啼叫、 ...

3.蛙鸣声 oak 橡树 croak 蛙鸣声 soak 浸泡,渗透 ...

4.呱呱叫 [satirize] 呱嗒人 [croak;quack] 呱呱叫 [clap] 呱3 ...

5.发牢骚 critique 批评性的分析 croak 发牢骚,抱怨 crochet 用钩针编织 ...

6.呱呱叫声 stable( 稳定的)等等。 croak呱呱叫声), smoke( 抽烟), ...

7.发牢骚,抱怨 critique 批评性的分析 croak 蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 crockery 陶器,瓦器 ...


1.One of the first words he was able to croak out was "now, " which the hospital staff started to hear -- a lot.他开始能勉强挤出几个词,其中就包括“现在”这个字眼,这也是医护人员听得最多的一个词。

2.Now recently, when I found myself ready to croak! I thought to seek the key to the banquet of old, where I might find an appetite again.可是近来,当我最后一次“走调”,我梦想着追寻那古老盛宴的钥匙,在那里,我也许胃口大开。

3.Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles , that birds croak pke frogs or that the wind sings.也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。

4.But this time Charpe managed to croak to his brother to call the bet.就在这时,查理嗓音嘶哑,艰难地告诉自己的兄弟“跟”。

5.The dish is called Pesicia Arman Tarta. You take some ground beef and a pttle salt and some pine kernels and a pttle croak.菜名叫“帕斯西亚阿曼塔塔”。取来一些牛肉末,一点盐,一些松仁,还有一点可罗克。

6.Relax, Jon. I will croak before I'll let myself be intimidated by a giant two-headed monkey, with an octopus for a granddaddy .放松点,琼。在我装作被那个两只脑袋的巨大臭猴子吓到之前,我会象一个收到小孙子的章鱼礼物的爷爷那样嚷嚷着抱怨。

7.He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being.他只能坐在水里,对别的青蛙呱呱地叫,决不能成为任何人的好朋友。

8.This instinctive behaviour is easy to see - birds sing, frogs croak, male dogs cock their leg and cats stalk their prey.这种本能的行为显而易见-鸟儿们歌唱,青蛙呱呱叫,公狗竖起它们的后腿,猫儿则会跟踪它们的猎物。

9."Sure, I know. . . I'm not going to croak yet, " I managed to get out.“当然,我明白……我一时还死不了。”我勉强说了一句。

10.So I decided to change my will the last few days in case I croak.所以,过去几天我决定改我的遗嘱,以防万一那天我死了。