


美式发音: [mə'djusə] 英式发音: [mɪ'dju:zə]



复数:medusas  复数:medusae  



n.1.in Greek mythology, a Gorgon who could turn anyone who looked at her to stone. She was killed by Perseus.2.the free-swimming reproductive stage of an animal such as a jellyfish, during which it has a transparent umbrella-shaped body with tentacles

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3.蛇发女妖你想像蛇发女妖Medusa)一样妖娆迷人吗?无论你喜欢前期的高爆发还是后期的高输出无论你擅长兵线上的farm还是野区里 …

4.蛇发女妖美杜莎蛇发女妖美杜莎MEDUSA),有着致命的吸引力,她的美貌迷惑人心,使见到她的人即刻化为石头。 代表范思哲品牌的华丽 …

5.蛇发女妖梅杜莎蛇发女妖梅杜莎Medusa)的头,可以将任何与之目光接触的人变成石像2009-12-15 15:55:42 [回复] dyx 冥王哈迪斯(Hades…


7.水母  世代交替,以钵水母为例,水母(Medusa)会通过精卵融合的有性生殖方式,生育出水螅(Polyp)。水螅然后经过无性生殖,即 …


1.Chief: I swear, if it weren't for the new kid, this whole squad would have the common sense of a medusa checking her make-up.警长:我发誓,要不是新来的小子,这个小组本该有美杜莎化装一样的常识的(这句说的是啥)

2.Perseus, who killed Medusa, was able to confront her by looking at her reflection in his shield, thus avoiding being turned to stone.杀死美杜莎的珀尔休斯通过在盾上观察她的影子,避免了变成石头而得以与她对抗。

3.It might be due to the Halloween weekend, but the above reminds me of the below image. Imagine if Medusa had conodonts instead of snakes.可能是因为周末是万圣节的关系,上面的图片让我联想到了下面的画面。想象一下,头发不是蛇而是牙形刺的美杜莎。

4.m . de villefort a second time raised his head , looked at benedetto as if he had been gazing at the head of medusa , and became pvid.维尔福先生第二次抬起头来,望着贝尼代托,象是看到了墨杜萨的头似的,他的脸上变得毫无血色。

5.I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone.我问他那是什么?他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。贾斯珀希望她把汽车和车主们都变成石头。

6.Medusa and Perseus, Rapunzel and her prince, all wrapped up in a potent pttle bundle.美杜莎和珀尔修斯,长发公主和她的王子,都伪装在有说服力的一组中。

7.As if an artist, playing with pfe, gloats at the Medusa gaze he creates with blood.他,玩命的艺术家,自满地审视着他用鲜血绘成的蛇发女妖。

8.He jumps to his feet and scrambles away from beneath the medusa.他跳着站起来,然后从水母的下面快速匍匐逃离。

9.Medusa was the unfortunate woman in Greek myth who was loved by the god of the sea.美杜莎是希腊神话中被海神爱上的那个不幸的女人。

10.jellyfish Common name for the class Scyphozoa, a group of coelenterates with a dominant medusa stage.水母水母纲的普遍名称,一群腔肠动物具有一个显著的水母阶段。