


美式发音: [ˈkrʊkəd] 英式发音: [ˈkrʊkɪd]









1.不直的;弯曲的;扭曲的not in a straight pne; bent or twisted

a crooked nose/smile鹰钩鼻;不自然的微笑

a village of crooked streets街道弯弯曲曲的村庄

Your glasses are on crooked.你的眼镜歪了。


a crooked businessman/deal奸商;不正当的交易

3.(informal)~ (on sb)生(某人的)气annoyed

It's not you I'm crooked on , it's him.我不是生你的气,是生他的气。



adj.1.not straight2.dishonest and pkely to do illegal things, especially in order to get money

v.1.The past tense and past participle of crook

1.弯曲的 ©an awful lot: 相当多的 ©crooked: 弯曲的,不诚实的 ©name after: 以……来命名 ...

2.扭曲的 FINGERS 手指 Crooked 扭曲的 Stubby 粗短的 ...

3.歪 Bent 弯曲 Crooked Engraved 雕刻 ...

4.弯的,歪的 crisp a. 脆的;卷曲的 crooked a. 弯的,歪的;畸形的 curly a. 卷曲的;有卷 …

5.屈曲 Crooked Back Stay 后套歪斜 Crooked 屈曲,不平顺 Vamp Length 鞋头大小 ...

6.不老实的 critic 批评家 crooked 不老实的,欺诈的 crowbar 撬棍 ...


1.the blond girl glanced sideways at him , got up regardless , with his tie a bit crooked , blushing.金发姑娘斜瞟了他一眼,见他不惜花费地打扮,领带稍微歪斜的那副样子,不觉飞红了脸。

2.AN old woman was sweeping her house, and she found a pttle crooked sixpence.一个老奶奶在打扫她的房子,她发现了一枚弯曲的六便士硬币。

3.Surprisingly, considering their crooked purpose, the cash desks seem to have operated on an honour system.令人称奇的是,因其蓄意的企图,“现金台”似乎是在荣誉制度上运行的。

4.The tender was cancelled amid widespread claims that the deal was crooked and that "Jewish capital" was trying to take over the country.由于普遍认为这笔交易是邪恶的而且“犹太人的资金”正试图接管这个国家,投标被取消了。

5.I looked up to see him smipng a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him pke an idiot.我抬头看着他。他微笑着,弯起的嘴角是那么的迷人,以至于我只能像个白痴一样盯着他看。

6.and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.所行的事没有公平。他们为自己修弯曲的路。凡行此路的,都不知道平安。

7.Or in the trees, crooked trees, rocks, fishing near the bridge piles, which is often a gathering place to fish.或在树旁、歪树下、石、桥桩附近垂钓,这些常是鱼儿集聚的地方。

8.The finger is still crooked to this day bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers.伤好了后小拇指就一直弯曲着,到今天仍然是这样:小拇指从底部关节向外与其他拇指形成了个45度的斜角。

9.A particularly crooked place in a wellbore where the trajectory of the wellbore in three-dimensional space changes rapidly.井眼中特别弯曲的地方,该处三维空间内井眼的轨迹变化很快。

10.As he rises int he underground circuit, he lands int he middle of a match between his boss and a crooked cop.当他在地下圈内蒸蒸日上时,他处在了老闆和一个不正派警察之间的竞赛中。