


美式发音: [ˈkrɒswɔːk] 英式发音: [ˈkrɒsˌwɔːk]





crosswalkn.— see alsozebra crossing

1.人行横道;行人穿越道a part of a road where vehicles must stop to allow people to cross

— see alsopedestrian crossing

n.1.行人穿越道; 人行横道; 斑马线

n.1.a place marked on a street where pedestrians can cross the street safely

1.人行横道 footbridge 人行桥 crosswalk 人行横道 fence 护栏 ...

2.行人穿越道 ... cronyism 任人唯亲 crosswalk 行人穿越道 crudity 粗糙,粗野 ...

3.斑马线 sidewalk n. (美)人行道 crosswalk n. 行人穿越线;斑马线 U-turn n. (汽车等的)u形转弯,180度转弯 ...

4.行人穿越线 sidewalk n. (美)人行道 crosswalk n. 行人穿越线;斑马线 U-turn n. (汽车等的)u形转弯,180度转弯 ...

5.人行道 footbridge 人行小桥 crosswalk 人行道 underpass 地下通道 ...

6.正沿行人穿越道 boulevard 林荫大道 crosswalk 人行横道线(美语) sidewalk 人行道(英语) ...

8.通过马路的人行道 Center Divider 马路安全岛 Crosswalk 通过马路的人行道 Entrance Ramp 入口加速车道 ...


1.She cleaned the crosswalk on both sides of the street five times in the past few days, she said.她说,过去这几天,她每天要把街道两边的人行道清扫五次。

2.Typical for China is the crosswalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.在中国,典型的喜剧形式是相声表演。两个喜剧演员通过诙谐的语言游戏使观众愉悦。

3.At the corner, Suchen paused, waiting for Walter to step into the crosswalk first so that she could choose another direction.到了街角,苏晨停了下来。她想等瓦尔特先走进十字路口,这样她就可以选择另外一个方向。

4.A buddy of mine was in his car, stopped at a stoppght, staring at a hot woman walking through the crosswalk.我的一个朋友,他当时在车里等红灯时,死盯着一个辣妹走过人行道。

5.When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles before passing.车辆驶近人行横道时,应当先注意观察行人、非机动车动态,再通过。

6.A Miami Beach popce report says a pedestrian struck and killed by Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donty Stallworth was not in a crosswalk.据迈阿密沙滩警察报道说,科莱蓝的布朗队的接球手当提·斯到沃斯在车道上撞死一名行人。

7.There is no crosswalk, and should be straight through, they are not allowed near the vehicle suddenly crossed.没有人行横道的,须直行通过,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿。

8.Mr. Clean crosswalk advertising, showing a cleaner white where the brand logo is placed in comparison to the others.清洁先生人行横道广告展现一个白色的清洁工人,在有品牌标志的地方呈现出更加洁白,与其他横线形成鲜明的对比。

9.This crosswalk reminds me of the Beatles' album Abbey Road.白色人行道让人想起甲壳虫乐队的唱片专辑《艾比路》。

10.As we were driving back, stopped at a crosswalk, a pedestrian crossed in front of us with an umbrella.驱车回来路上,在人行道上停了下来。一位撑着雨伞的行人在我们面前经过。