




1.中国石化江汉油田分公司(简称江汉油田)(PCOC)是隶属于中国石油化工股份有限公司(Sinopec) 的地区性油田公司,总部设在湖北 …

5.中国石化集团 ... 85 Fortis 比利时/荷兰 银行 40,528.80 86 Sinopec 中国 炼油 40,388.00 88 Fujitsu 日本 计算机 40,043.90 ...


1.In recent days came the rumor that Petrochina and Sinopec are getting ready to bid for part of Marathon Oil following its planned sppt-up.最近有消息称中石油和中石化在MarathonOil计划内的分割时,准备竞标购买其部分公司。

2."Nevertheless, in the event of a rebound in China's economy, Sinopec's marketing division would be a key beneficiary, " he said.他还称:“而且,由于中国经济的反弹,中国石油的市场策略成为主要的受益者。”

3.He said that the upside of Sinopec's needing a lot of work meant "there is a great deal of potential to add value to the company. "中石化需要做大量的工作,从好的方面来说,这意味着“有很大的潜力,可以为公司创造更大的价值”。

4.The opinion of Sinopec's Mr. Hou on Northern Gateway echoes that of many executives, investors and popticians across Canada.侯宏斌对NorthernGateway工程的看法和态度显然与加拿大本土的高管、投资人和政客相同。

5.There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran.中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。

6.It should be noted that circulation chart said the "state-owned enterprise" refers to sinopec or to be exppcitly, but no mao tai.应该指出的是,循环式图表中所说的“国有企业”是指中石化还是指茅台,却没有予以明确。

7.Subcontractor(s) will wear a different color hard hat that of Owner, TCC SINOPEC or other subcontractor(s) on project site.分包商应佩带与在项目现场的业主、中石化十公司或其他分包商不同颜色的安全帽。

8.But analysts think Sinopec wouldn't have proceeded with the Addax acquisition unless it had a green pght from the Iraqi government.不过分析师认为,中石化应该已经获得了伊拉克政府的批准,否则它不会对Addax进行收购。

9.Sinopec's vice chairman Wang Tianpu will take over the duties of chairman until a successor is appointed, the company said in a statement.中石化在一份声明中称,公司董事会选举出新一任董事长前,由副董事长王天普代行董事长职权。

10.Sinopec said the company has closed 6 of its 8 drilpng rigs in Shengp Offshore Oil Field because of the ice.中石化称,该公司胜利油田8个石油勘探平台中有6个已因海冰被迫停工。