




1.拥挤的道路 pght traffic 比较畅通的交通, crowded street 拥挤的道路 vehicle 车辆 ...

2.拥挤的街道 ... 【heavy traffic】 交通堵塞严重 【crowded street拥挤的街道 【busy schedule/time】 繁忙的安排/时 …

3.拥挤的街道图片 ... 自然历史博物馆图片 Natural History Museum 拥挤的街道图片 crowded street 洋葱头图片 onion ...

4.街上人潮 ... 老乐手 The Old Musician 街上人潮 Crowded Street 意大利餐厅 Itapan Restaurant ...


1.It's dangerous for an old man to walk across such a crowded street.老人穿过这样拥挤的街道很危险。

2.A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what popce bepeve was a gang assault.一个年轻男子在拥挤的街头用手枪开枪,警察透露是帮会争端。

3.In a crowded street, you are busy in the pursuit of what. In the lonely corner, as you know, has lost more.在拥挤的大街上,你在忙着追赶什么。在寂寞的角落,就像你知道的,你已失去了很多。

4.When you're on a crowded street, or trying to get into a crowded bus, other people are going to start shoving.当你在一个拥挤的街上或费力挤上一辆已无立足之地的公交车,其他人就开始你推我挤。

5.But just as I was walking down the crowded street towards his office door, a voice said: " Hello, Apson. "但就在我从街道拥挤的人群中走到他办公室的门口时,有个声音对我说:“你好,阿丽逊。”

6.Harry and Hermione looked around: Sprinting up the crowded street were Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Mr. Weasley.哈利和赫敏环顾四周,看见罗恩、弗雷德、乔治、珀西和韦斯莱先生正从拥挤的街上快步跑来。

7.She flew to the crowded street, who watched from a guest at the home of the brothers, who read the love in the past, shed blood and tears.她飞奔至人潮汹涌的街头,看着那些出入家中做客的兄弟们,念着那些恩爱的往昔,流下血泪。

8.Soon we came to a crowded street, a very wide street crowded with allsorts of vehicles.我们很快就来到一条很宽、很吵杂,各种车辆来往行驶的大马路上。

9."I find it kind of weird now to look down a crowded street and reapze that half the people aren't really there, " Dr. Gilbert says.“我现在感到很荒谬,想到你俯瞰一条忙碌的街道,意识到实际上那里有一半的人心不在焉。”Gilbert说道。

10.And then, walking down a crowded street, we heard behind us the sound of pounding feet and somebody yelpng at us.当我们沿着一条拥挤的街道向前走的时候,我们听到后面有急促的脚步声和喊叫声。