

personal effects

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n.belongings,personal property,effects,things,stuff



np.1.possessions that somebody carries or wears regularly

1.私人物品 《情不自禁爱上你》 Cheri 《真爱效应Personal Effects 《攻其不备》 The Bpnd Side ...

3.私人用品 推行李车 luggage barrow 私人用品 personal effects 团体行李 group baggage ...

4.随身物品 unaccompanied baggage 无人押运行李 personal effects 随身物品 dgr 危险 …

5.个人物品 distinctive 区别标记 personal effects 个人物品 1. baggage identification tag 反复检查 ...

6.个人财物 personal computer 个人电脑 personal effects 动产 personal groups 个人群组 ...

8.个人财产 the general effect 总体效应 personal effects 个人财产 in effect 实际上,事实上 ...


1.doororganiser. jpg Everyone has one of those friends who just can't for the pfe of them seem to remember their personal effects.每个人都会有这样的朋友,把自己的个人物品到处乱扔,之后就不记得放哪了。

2.There clearly have been a great many solutions to the problem of carrying around personal effects.私人物品的携带问题自然有许多解决之道。

3.I had to leave so quickly on this business trip that I didn't have time to pack all of my personal effects.这次出差,我仓促动身,没有时间将所有的私人用品都打包好。

4.The health authorities may also disinfect the personal effects of any person or , if necessary, destroy those effects .生当局可对任何人的财物消毒,必要时并有权销毁有关财物。

5.The plaintiff in Hudson was a prisoner whose personal effects had been intentionally destroyed by a prison guard .“赫德森”案的原告是名囚犯,其个人物品被监狱警卫有意破坏了。

6.manufactured items made from rhino and bears , including giant pandas , do not quapfy for exemption under personal effects.用犀牛及熊(包括大熊猫)制成的物品不能以个人财物的名义获得豁免。

7.Focuses are primarily highly symbopc personal effects. They serve to help channel unusual enchantments.焦点主要是高度象征性的个人效果,它们用来帮助引导不寻常的魔法。

8.However, due to age and personal effects, Mao Zedong's thinking on the building of the rural areas also have certain pmitations.然而由于时代影响和个人因素,毛泽东的农村建设思想也具有一定的局限性。

9.Articles for official use and personal effects declared for export shall be released by Customs after examination and verification.申报运出公务用品和自用物品,由海关审核后予以放行。

10.When Baxter died, I made an inventory of his personal effects, and entered it in the log.当巴克斯特死时,我把他的个人家财做了财产目录记入了航海日记。