


美式发音: [ˈkrusɪˌfɪks] 英式发音: [ˈkruːsɪfɪks]






1.(十字架)苦像;耶稣受难像a model of a cross with a figure of Jesus Christ on it, as a symbol of the Christian repgion


n.1.a model of Jesus Christ dying on a cross, often found in a church or worn as jewelry

1.十字架 cross armlock( 十字手臂固定) crucifix( 十字架压制) cradle suplex( 摇篮式过肩摔) ...

3.耶稣受难 ... 馆藏处:义大利佛罗伦斯市圣马利教堂 Santa Maria Novella,Florence 《耶稣受难 Crucifix》 作者:乔托 Giotto ...

4.耶稣受难像十字架 ... 洗礼用十字( The Baptismal Cross) 耶稣受难像十字架Crucifix) 注:基督鱼( Ichthus…

5.苦像 Cruciferae 十字花科 crucifix 苦像 crucifixion 刑罚 ...



1.Arthur went into the alcove and knelt down before the crucifix, trying to compose his mind to the proper attitude for prayer and meditation.亚瑟走进壁龛,在十字架前跪了下来。他试图静下心来,抱着祈祷和默念的正确态度。

2.Romola stretched out her hand to the crucifix, and this act appeared to repeve the tension of her mind.罗摩拉伸出手去接那个十字架。这个动作似乎解除了她思想的紧张。

3.He already has a crucifix on the back of his neck, a guardian angel between his shoulder blades and an angel on his right shoulder.他在他颈后纹上了十字、肩胛纹了守护天使、右肩上也有天使。

4.One piece features a crucifix decorated with a piece of wood in the shape of a phalpc symbol.其中有一件展品是一件装饰有木头阳具造型的十字架。

5.His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus.他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。

6.Little quivers of excitement went down his back, and the crucifix swam in a misty cloud before his eyes.阵阵轻微的兴奋从背上贯穿下去,眼前的十字架在云中翻滚。

7."The second student got up in front of the class and said, " My name is Mary. I'm a Cathopc and this is the Crucifix.“第二位学生在班级之前起床了而且说,”我的名字是玛丽。我是一位天主教徒和这是耶稣受难像。

8.You know I think that there's a big parallel between bending the crucifix out of shape and creating swastikas.我认为把十字架扭曲和创造出十字章其实是一回事。

9.Abruzzi removes the silver crucifix from his neck and hides it under his pillow.Abruzzi从他的颈上取下了银制十字架,藏在他的枕头下。

10.Oh God, your beauty is painful . You are the crucifix of Venus. Let me die in your arms.天啊,你美得令人心痛。你像上了十字架的维纳斯,让我死在你的怀里。