


美式发音: [krud] 英式发音: [kruːd]




比较级:cruder  最高级:crudest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.crude estimate





1.粗略的;简略的;大概的simple and not very accurate but giving a general idea of sth

In crude terms , the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.简略地说,导致精神病的原因看起来主要有三种。

2.粗糙的;粗制的simply made, not showing much skill or attention to detail

a crude drawing of a face脸部的略图

3.冒犯的,粗俗的,粗鲁的(尤其有关性的)offensive or rude, especially about sex

crude jokes/language粗俗的笑话╱语言

4.[ubn]天然的;自然的in its natural state, before it has been treated with chemicals

crude oil/metal原油;未经提炼的金属


1.[u]原油;石油oil in its natural state, before it has been treated with chemicals

50 000 barrels of crude5 万桶石油



adj.1.made using very simple methods or materials2.crude words or actions are offensive because they refer to sex in an unpleasant way3.not exact or accurate, but often good enough for a particular purpose4.a crude substance is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes1.made using very simple methods or materials2.crude words or actions are offensive because they refer to sex in an unpleasant way3.not exact or accurate, but often good enough for a particular purpose4.a crude substance is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes

n.1.oil that is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes

1.天然的 crook n. 钩;弯曲 crude a. 天然的;粗糙的,粗鲁的 n.原材料 crush v.&n. 压碎,榨 ...

2.粗鲁的 clumsy 笨手笨脚的 crude 粗鲁的, 粗俗的 cunning 狡猾的, 奸诈的 ...

3.粗糙的 recriminate v 反责;反诉 crude a 粗糙的;原始的 crustscean a 甲壳纲的(动物) ...

4.原油 cracking process 裂解法 crude 原油 crude oil 原油 ...

5.未加工的 木材 Lumber 劣质的,未加工的 Crude 持续时间 Duration ...

6.简陋的 crown n. 王冠,冕;花冠 crude a. 简陋的;天然的 cruel a. 残忍的,残酷的 ...

7.粗野的 accountant 会计 crude 粗野的 product 产品 ...

8.生的 crucial adj. 严重的;极重要的 crude adj. 未提炼的;生的 crumple v. 压皱 ...


1.A crude analogy can be drawn between this rock sequence and that of the Stillwater Complex as described by Hess and Jackson.此岩序与赫斯和杰克逊所描述的斯蒂尔沃特杂岩大致可以对比。

2.'The problem is we don't have cushions, ' in terms of spare production capacity and spare crude stocks, he said.卡鲁索认为,问题在于市场缺乏富余产能和富余库存等缓冲因素。

3.The vast majority of the oil and other hydrocarbons seem to be gone, less than six months after the crude stopped flowing.在石油和其他碳氢化合物绝大多数似乎消失了,不到半年后的原油停止流动。

4.Among the agreements to be signed is one between the two country's railway authorities on the transport of crude oil .两国还将签署包括两国间铁路原油运输在内的一系列的协议。

5.It had long ape-pke arms but walked on two feet and was capable of creating crude tools.他们有着和猿类相似的手臂,但是却靠两只脚行走,并且还可以创造一些粗糙的工具。

6.As the first data indicating sudden growth began emerging over the summer, many market observers chalked it up to refineries hoarding crude.当第一批显示这种增速的数据在夏季出炉时,很多市场观察人士将其归因于炼油企业囤积原油。

7.But that doesn't explain most of these moves. Instead, as with crude oil, this seems to be mainly about speculators jumping in.但这并不能解释金银价格在大多数时间里的走势。相反,跟原油一样,它们的走势似乎主要与投机者的趋之若鹜有关。

8.The price of a barrel of Brent crude, which had nudged $120, sppped back a bit this week.本周,价格一度接近每桶120美元的布伦特原油出现了回落。

9.But no one knows for sure how much crude oil pes buried beneath the frozen earth.但几乎没人知道在这块冰封的土地下究竟有多少原油。

10.He suffers most, say, from thirst. He hollows out a place in the sand to collect rain water, or builds some crude receptacle.比方说,极度焦渴最为令他痛苦,于是他在沙地上挖坑收集雨水,或者做个简陋的容器蓄水。