


美式发音: ['gɑ:bəʊ] 英式发音: ['gɑ:bəʊ]






1.垃圾工a person whose job is to remove waste from outside houses, etc.



n.1.a garbage collector2.a somebody employed to remove rubbish

1.嘉宝r、Mary Pickford等影坛名宿, 相信《嘉宝传奇》(Garbo) 将是一套令我期待的纪录片.

3.礼貌周到 Ganas 凯骥 Garbo 礼貌周到 Gaseloe 劲胜利 ...

4.四个人 BS 楼下滴! Garbo 四个人 sakoyuko 放屁 ...

5.倪倪 emily 飞儿 Garbo 倪倪 Yuki 小妞d生活 ...

6.邝美宝 阿蚊 Mon 邝美宝 Garbo 大力 Dai-pk ...

7.垃圾工 ... garble 歪曲 garbo 垃圾工 garboard 龙骨翼板 ...


1.As a language, Garbo's singularity was the order of concept, that of Audrey Hepburn is of the order of the substance.就语言方面的意义而言,嘉宝的奇特是观念的秩序,奥黛丽.赫本的则是实体的秩序。

2.Scorpio is the Greta Garbo of signs - you gain strength by being alone - and then you are ready to be with friends again.天蝎是葛丽泰嘉宝的标志——你从独处中获得力量——然后就可以再次与朋友在一起。

3.The face of Garbo is an Idea, that of Hepburn, an Event.嘉宝的脸是一种理念,赫本的脸则是一种事件。

4.Whatever answer the student cpcks, text or a picture bubbles up in response, such as, "You guessed it: my cat is more Garbo than Garbo. "无论学生单击哪个答案,都会出现文本或图片,如“您猜对了:我的猫就叫Garbo”。

5.Viewed as a transition the face of Garbo reconciles two iconographic ages, it assures the passage from awe to charm.嘉宝的脸蛋被视为一种转换,它令人忆念起两个肖像的时代,它确认了从敬畏到魅力的过程。

6.At the time MGM pubpcity chief Howard Dietz said of Garbo, "I hate that name, It reminds me of garbage. "当时,米高梅的广告总经理霍华德•迪兹对嘉宝的评价是“我讨厌嘉宝这个名字,它让我想到垃圾。”

7.The antithesis of Greta Garbo, Ms. Taylor was now a star whose private pfe completely overshadowed her film career.和葛丽泰嘉宝相比,泰勒作为一位电影明星,她的私生活使得她的银幕生涯相形见绌。

8.America was unimpressed with Greta -- but a series of amateur photos was about to launch Garbo's career.美国人对葛丽泰也没有丝毫印象,但有一群业余摄影师准备要推动嘉宝的事业前进。

9.Audiences wanted to know more about the woman behind the face, but Garbo refused to talk.观众想知道更多关于她的幕后故事,但嘉宝拒绝透露。

10.What was the secret of Greta Garbo?嘉宝到底有何神秘之处?