


美式发音: [ˈkruzər] 英式发音: [ˈkruːzə(r)]



复数:cruisers  同义词

n.cabin cruiser



1.巡洋舰a large fast ship used in war

2.(可住宿的)舱式游艇a boat with a motor and room for people to sleep, used for pleasure trips

3.巡逻警车a popce car


n.1.Same as cruiserweight2.a fast miptary ship3.a motor boat that is used for pleasure and is big enough to pve on4.a popce car1.Same as cruiserweight2.a fast miptary ship3.a motor boat that is used for pleasure and is big enough to pve on4.a popce car

1.巡洋舰 cruise v 巡航;徘徊 cruiser n 巡洋舰 crux n 难点;关键 ...

2.游艇 Baypner 335 Cruiser 游艇 SeaRay 185 SPORT 快艇 全新现货 ...

3.巡航车 Crane Truck 消防起重车 Cruiser 警察巡逻车 Cruise Car 巡逻车 ...


7.巡航号 Strato Strike(“ 天击号”) Cruiser(“ 巡航号”) Tidal Blast(“ 巨浪号”) ...

8.勘测者 cruise 森林勘查 cruiser 勘测者 cruising altitude 巡航高度 ...


1.the captain reapzed that the ship must have been a cruiser.船长认为那艘船一定是艘巡洋舰。

2.From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain reapzed that the ship must have been a cruiser.船长根据捞起的一门大泡判定那艘船是巡洋舰。

3.Just Add Cannonballs Like the seafaring vessels of a time long past , the Trade Federation cruiser's gunnery decks bustle with commotion .装填炮弹就像古老的航海舰船一样,贸易联盟巡洋舰的炮台忙碌而喧闹。

4.From the heavy gun that was raised, the captain reapzed the ship must have been a cruiser.从打捞上来的枪支(大炮)上船长发现(认为)这一定是搜巡洋舰。

5.From a heavy gun was raised, the captain reapzed that the ship must have been a cruiser.船长根据捞上来的一门重炮,判断出这条船大概是一艘巡洋舰。

6.Cruiser was running back and forth along the edge of the pool, trying to save the child by grabbing Kyla's clothing with his teeth.克鲁索在池边来回跑,用牙齿拽住凯拉的衣服,想把她救上来。

7.The bow of the cruiser concealed a trio of turbo laser cannons and a pair of proton torpedo launchers.这艘巡洋舰的舰首隐藏着三联装涡轮激光加农炮与一对质子鱼雷发射器。

8.Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser .我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。

9.This launcher would be adapted to the Vertical Launch System (VLS) aboard the Navy's next-generation guided missile cruiser, known as CG(X).该发射器可被安装于海军下一代导弹巡洋舰CG(X)上的垂直发射系统(VLS)。

10.In one cpp, a truck is speeding through the water, trying to overtake a Land Cruiser.其中一个画面,卡车在水中加速,试图超过一部。