




1.希顿失手被义大利从中「拦截」,其中年仅19岁的美国选手希彤Heaton)在1928获得银牌后,20年后再以39岁高龄於1948年冬 …


5.天上人间 〓〓〓大家好呀〓〓〓附 PP 天上人间 heaton 最好的牛仔裤 类 levi's ...

6.神人 ... elvis 杀屍 HeatoN 神人 ATROCITY 绝 ...


1.Gabriel Heaton from Sotheby's, which is auctioning the passport, said the it was being sold by a private owner.索斯比拍卖行的加布里埃尔·西顿负责护照的拍卖,他表示本拍品来自一位私人收藏家。

2.However, Heaton also stressed: "This is only the average statistics are different for each earthquake. "不过,希顿同时强调:“这只是平均统计数字,每一次地震都不尽相同。”

3.Ms Kay's "An Equal Stillness" , her first novel, follows the story of two artists, Jennet Mallow, and her husband, David Heaton.《等量静止》是凯的第一部小说,讲述了艺术家詹妮特﹒麦露和同样为艺术家的丈夫大卫﹒琼斯的生活

4.Ryan Heaton has implemented OAuth for Spring security which can be found here.RyanHeaton已经实现了针对Springsecurity的OAuth,你能从这里找到它。

5.It took last week's quake to do the job -- and big as it was, it may not have released all the accumulated strain, says Heaton.但是这种地壳断裂作用在上周发生的地震中期能量得到了释放---非常巨大的能量,可能此次还没有将积聚的能量释放完毕,西顿说。

6."You can really see the mind at work with all the corrections and revisions, " said Heaton.“透过这些改动,你都能看出她写作时的思绪来”希顿说。

7.'Too sweet' is what Ms. Suharto, Ms. Heaton-Renshaw and Ms. Comstock regularly hear.“太甜了”是苏哈托、希顿-伦肖和康斯托克经常听到的反馈意见。

8.Dr Kenneth Heaton said many doctors don't reapse how many physical symptoms can be caused solely by psychological problems.肯尼思。希顿博士曾经说过,许多医生从未认识到有多少身体的症状仅仅是由心理问题而引发的。

9.Ms. Heaton-Renshaw has made the biggest shift.其中,希顿-伦肖的职业生涯转变最大。

10.For example, Pamela Heaton of Goldsmiths, University of London, has shown that people with autism have better musical pitch recognition.例如,伦敦大学的帕梅拉·希顿·戈德史密斯(PamelaHeatonofGoldsmiths)指出自闭症患者有更好的音乐音高识别力。