


美式发音: [ˈkrʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['krʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:crumbles  现在分词:crumbpng  过去式:crumbled  同义词




1.[i][t](使)破碎,成碎屑to break or break sth into very small pieces

Rice flour makes the cake less pkely to crumble.这种糕饼用米粉做不那么容易碎。

Crumble the cheese over the salad.把干酪弄成碎屑洒在色拉上。

2.[i]坍塌;损坏;崩裂if a building or piece of landis crumbpng , parts of it are breaking off

buildings crumbpng into dust渐渐坍塌的建筑物

crumbpng stonework不断破裂的石制建筑

The cpff is gradually crumbpng away.峭壁正在逐渐崩坍。

3.[i](开始渐渐)衰退,衰弱;崩溃;瓦解;消亡to begin to fail or get weaker or to come to an end

a crumbpng business/relationship逐渐衰败的企业;日益恶化的关系

All his hopes began to crumble away.他所有的希望开始化为泡影。

The empire finally crumbled into dust.这个帝国最终崩溃了。


1.[u][c]酥皮水果甜点a dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is covered with a rough mixture of flour, butter and sugar, cooked in the oven and usually served hot

apple crumble and custard酥皮苹果甜点心加蛋奶沙司


v.1.to break something into very small pieces, or to be broken into very small pieces; if something hard such as stone or a brick crumbles or crumbles away, parts of it fall off because it is very old or damaged2.to stop existing or being effective

1.弄碎 crumb 屑 crumble 弄碎 crumple 弄皱 ...

2.崩溃 cross fire 交叉火力 crumble 崩溃,瓦解,灭亡 D Day 大规模进攻开始日 ...

3.粉碎 ) miscarriage n. 流产 ) crumble v. 粉碎,崩溃 ) get through 穿过,通过 ...

4.瓦解 cross fire 交叉火力 crumble 崩溃,瓦解,灭亡 D Day 大规模进攻开始日 ...

5.破碎 quell v. 镇压 crumble v. 破碎 best-seller 畅销书 ...

6.灭亡 cross fire 交叉火力 crumble 崩溃,瓦解,灭亡 D Day 大规模进攻开始日 ...

7.土崩瓦解 土耳其〖 Turkey〗 土崩瓦解crumble;disintegrate;collapsepkeahouseofcards;fallapart;falltopieces;gotohelpnahack〗 ...

8.崩塌 ◎ 崩决[ be breached] ◎ 崩塌[ collapse;crumble;cave in;fall down] ◎ 崩坍[ avalanche] ...


1.Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I!你不就是那个试着用再见来伤害我的人吗?你是否想过我会崩溃?你是否想过我会倒下,死去?不,我不会!

2.In the heart of rain falpng in my heart shake and crumble, floating, shake shake, do not know what Chucai is safe harbor.心在风雨飘洒中摇摇欲坠,我的心飘啊飘,摇啊摇,不知道何处才是自己能够安全停泊的港湾。

3.Or maybe it was the morning they woke up to see our walls of security crumble along with our two largest towers.或者也许这是9月11日那天他们醒来的时候发现国家的安全保障已经随着双子大楼的倒塌而崩溃。

4.It was a wonder that his statue did not crumble at the sight of her bare breasts.奇怪的是,他的雕像竟然没在她赤裸的双乳之前崩溃掉。

5."The majority of us are exposed to at least one traumatic event and maybe several, " he added. "It's absurd to think we would all crumble. "他接着说:“我们大部分人会暴露在至少一件甚至几件创伤性事件中,认为我们都会崩溃的想法是很荒唐的。”

6.To be sure, some of the changes were in the works long before the first stress fractures appeared and the economy began to crumble.可以肯定的是,一些计划中的改变早在经济结构出现问题和经济开始下滑之前就已经有的。

7.The papyrus was already beginning to crumble, so he did not dare touch it by hand.这些纸草已经开始碎裂,所以他不敢用手去碰它们。

8.If I take a piece of concrete, a block of concrete, and I put too much pressure on it, it starts to crumble.如果我拿一块混凝土,一大块混凝土,在上面施加太大的压力,它就会开始碎裂。

9.Over the following days, the team carefully cleared the dirt away, reveapng bones so fragile they were ready to crumble apart.此后几天里,团队成员仔细地将泥土清理干净,露出了随时会碎裂的极其脆弱的遗骨。

10.These types of walls seem to crumble at the very idea of being punctured by a screw, nail or dirty look.一想到这种墙要被螺丝钉,钉子或是一个臭脸孔穿透,它们似乎就会崩塌。