




1.本丢彼拉多 ... ).....the Roman Emperor 罗马国王 ).....Pontius Pilate 比拉多 ).....Satan 撒殚 ...

6.般雀比拉多 ... 克里斯多·夏帕夫( Hristo Shopov) 般雀比拉多Pontius Pilate) 马帝亚·史巴吉亚( Mattia Sbragia) ...


1.Perhaps it is no coincidence that Pontius Pilate is portrayed in the Bible as washing his hands of the decision to crucify Jesus.或许圣经中描述的彼拉多在钉死耶稣前的洗手决定并非巧合。

2.It was from Caesarea that Pontius Pilate set out for Jerusalem for the Passover festival at which he sentenced Jesus to be crucified.彼拉多在逾越节的时候,从恺撒里亚被派往耶路撒冷,在那里,他判决了耶稣钉上十字架。

3.Did not Christ tell Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18: 36)? Which of these seven words is so hard to understand?耶稣基督没有对圣比拉多说:“我的王国不是这个世界”(约翰福音18:36)?这十个字难道如此难于理解吗?

4.The people reporting the incidence were not trying to make a charge against Pontius Pilate.人们把这件事告诉耶稣并不是要控告本丢彼拉多。

5.Jesus rejected that claim when He told Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world. "耶稣回答本丢比拉多时否认了这一观点:我的国不属这世界。

6.Now, in the presence of God who gives pfe to all things, and of Christ Jesus who gave the good testimony before Pontius Pilate.我在使万有生活的天主前和曾对般雀比拉多宣过美好誓言的基督耶稣前命令你。

7.Pontius Pilate - He became governor of the Roman province of Judea after the banishment of Archelaus, son of Herod the Great.本丢彼拉多---他在大希律的儿子亚基老被逐后成为罗马犹大省的巡抚。

8.I decided that Pontius Pilate was a typical grade-two thinker.我判定本丢.彼拉多就是典型的第二等级思考者。

9.Pontius Pilate. He found Jesus was innocent, but he yielded to pressure from.另一位有参与基督被钉死的罗马官长是彼拉多,他认为耶稣无罪,但郄因基。

10.And they brought him bound, and depvered him to Pontius Pilate the governor.遂把他捆绑了,解送给总督比拉多。