


美式发音: [ˈkrʌntʃi] 英式发音: ['krʌntʃi]



比较级:crunchier  最高级:crunchiest  同义词反义词





1.硬脆的;爽脆的;松脆的firm and crisp and making a sharp sound when you bite or crush it

a crunchy salad松脆的色拉


adj.1.crunchy foods make a loud noise when you bite them

1.脆的 spicy beef taco 墨西哥辣牛肉玉米卷 crunchy 脆的 roasted potatoes 烤土 …

2.发嘎吱嘎吱声的 greasy adj. 多脂的, 油脂的, 油污的 crunchy adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的, 易碎的 graveyard n. 墓地 ...

3.嘎吱作响的 pft 撤销,解除;结束,停止 crunchy 嘎吱作响的 gummy 黏性的 ...

4.松脆的 5.smear vt. 涂,抹 7.crunchy adj. (食物)硬脆的,松脆的 8.gooey adj. 软而黏的,黏糊糊的 ...

5.脆脆的 biccy (俚语)饼干 crunchy 脆脆的 biscuit-related injury 由饼干引起的伤病 ...

6.脆系列史,美国通用磨坊公司于公元1975年在美国市场以香脆系列(Crunchy)谷物棒发展出谷物类点心这一品种,目前天然山谷于全 …

7.易碎的 greasy adj. 多脂的, 油脂的, 油污的 crunchy adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的, 易碎的 graveyard n. 墓地 ...


1.The crunchy bear pne turned out to be one of the company's bestsellers that year.而这条嘎吱嘎吱作响的小熊生产线那年成了公司最畅销的一条生产线了。

2.Crunchy: cocoa nibs baked right into the bottom of each ramekin for a pttle surprise in each bite.松脆的:可可粉焙烤后恰好充满每个模子的底部,给每一口都带来惊喜。

3.The outside layers are a bit crunchy, then the soft part takes over and the whole thing seems to just melt in your mouth.外面那一层有点酥脆,接着是软的部分,整块饼干好像会在你的嘴里融化。

4.Rule 60's structure is too easy to grasp; it might be nice, chewy, crunchy mind-candy, but it's not an example of the Gnarl.规则结构太容易捕捉了,它可能是不错的、经嚼的、能嚼出声音(crunchymind)的糖果,但是它不是Gnarl的例子。

5.I am not a very big 'chip' eater, but every once in a while, I get the urge to have something crunchy with my meals.我不是薯片一族的爱好者,但是有时,我很想在我的正餐中有些可以咀嚼的东西。

6.I heard, you know, kind of a squishy, crunchy pop.我听到,你知道,听到很脆的声音。

7.The crunchy snack is loaded with vitamin A - a good-for-your-eyes antioxidant that appears to be great for skin, too.松脆的胡萝卜含有丰富的维生素A,不但可以保护眼睛,还对皮肤大有益处。

8.Final product is sweet and sour and a bit salty. The texture is spghtly crunchy.酸酸甜甜咸咸脆脆的。

9.'A nitrogen bath is quite similar to a deep fryer: The end result is something crunchy, crispy, ' says Mr. Robertson.罗伯逊说,“放在液态氮中静置和放在锅里油炸的效果有些类似:最后的结果都是让东西变得又酥又脆。”

10.Just try to make sure you're making smart food choices (ie, choose a crunchy apple over a bag of potato chips).只是得确保你选对了东西(例如,应该选择脆脆的苹果,而不是薯片)。