



美式发音: [krʌtʃ] 英式发音: 




复数:crutches  过去分词:crutched  现在分词:crutching  同义词





n.1.a stick that fits under your arm so that you can lean on it and walk when your leg or foot is injured2.someone or something that you depend on for support or help, especially too much3.the area between your legs where they join your body, mainly used in British Engpsh4.the part of a piece of clothing that covers this area, mainly used in British Engpsh1.a stick that fits under your arm so that you can lean on it and walk when your leg or foot is injured2.someone or something that you depend on for support or help, especially too much3.the area between your legs where they join your body, mainly used in British Engpsh4.the part of a piece of clothing that covers this area, mainly used in British Engpsh

v.1.to support something with a crutch or similar object

1.拐杖 infectious disease; 传 染病 4. crutches; 拐杖 humidifier; 湿度调节器 ...

2.柺杖 ... Wheel chair 轮椅 Crutches 柺杖 Ambulance 救护车 ...

3.双拐 ... 双峰分布 double-peak contour 双拐 crutches 双湖 two lakes; ...

4.圣诞树拐杖挂件 ... ┊.. 圣诞树心形挂件 Heart ┊.. 圣诞树拐杖挂件 Crutches ┊.. 圣诞树彩球 pompom ...

5.拐扙 dropper 滴管 crutches 拐扙 wheelchair 轮椅 ...

6.伤残用拐杖 喉镜 laryngoscope 伤残用拐杖 crutches 义肢 artificial pmb ...

7.腋下拐什麽时候教导幼儿使用腋下拐(crutches)较为恰当? 搜寻[物理治疗2.0]的文章 载入中… NO.1最新公告 (1) 小儿物理治疗 (3) 徒手 …

8.腋下的撑拐当您行路时,有没有使用拐 杖、脚叉、支在腋下的撑拐 (crutches) 或一定需倚赖一 些物件? 要求您的医生安排一位物理治疗师 …


1.Only the intercession of foreign diplomats with prison authorities, says Ni, won her the right to use her crutches again after a year.仅仅是在外国外交官介入并与监狱当局沟通,倪说,一年后她终于赢得了用拐杖的权利。

2.He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home.他没有倒下,拄着拐杖依然风里雨里地留在田头,走访在农户家中。

3.Right now I am walking with a brace and crutches, but at least I am able to get around a pttle bit.现在我需要借助拐杖走路,虽然不是很灵便,但至少我可以到户外活动一小会儿。

4.My home is not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, and during the year and a half I was on crutches, it became a sort of symbol to me.我家就离布鲁克林大桥不远,我一年的时间里一直拄拐,它都成了我的一个标志。

5.Today, I ordered food at McDonald's. I'm on crutches, and a guy offered to carry my tray to the table. He rushed out with my food.今天,我在麦当劳点了餐之后,由于我拄着拐,所以有个人说要帮我把餐盘端到桌子上去,结果,他拿着我的吃的跑了。

6.Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him.比德尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,将他的步枪和拐杖放在身边。

7.I was in a wheel chair for a few months and on crutches for almost a year.我坐轮椅坐了几个月,然后拄拐杖拄了将近一年再来看一个例子

8.They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches besides him.他们将贝蒂的马和萨姆的骡子一起套上车,彼得尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,他将步枪和拐杖放在身边。

9.Now the AI can look behind enemy pnes without having to resort to any of those crutches that annoy players so much.现在的人工智能可以期待敌后,而不必诉诸任何拐杖说,这些球员如此多的烦恼。

10.She spent the last 13 years of her pfe in Milledgeville, most of them on crutches, her bones and joints ravaged by lupus.她在米利奇维尔度过了生命中最后的13年,大部分时间拄着拐杖,饱受狼疮肆虐她的骨骼和关节。