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网络释义:教学系统设计(Instructional System Design);语音芯片;教学系统设计(Instructional Systems Design)


abbr.1.international subscriber dialpng

1.教学系统设计(Instructional System Design)它是教学系统设计 (ISD)模型。 大多当前教育设计模型是副产品或ADDIE的变异塑造; 其他模型包括迪克& Carey和Kemp ISD模 …

2.语音芯片主要考虑双音多频(DTMF)收发芯片的操作编程,录放语音芯片ISD)和警情采集刀D/A芯片的操作编程。系统总体设计方案任 …

3.教学系统设计(Instructional Systems Design)培训系统的基础理论采用教学系统设计-ISDInstructional Systems Design)。ISD本质就是创建的一种教学经验,这种教学经 …


1.It isd difficult to see why lace shall be so expensive; it is mostly hole.很难明白为什么花边是这么贵,几乎全部都是空空洞洞的嘛。

2.Set this to true if you want ISD to be restarted automatically after the installation of WPAR Manager, false otherwise.如果希望在安装WPARManager之后自动地重新启动ISD,应该把它设置为true,否则设置为false。

3.With the new web interface , the system has also been attached to the ISD Intranet for easy information sharing among ISD officers .该系统亦已连结政府新闻处内联网,以方便本处员工透过新建立的万维网界面互换消息及资讯。

4.The installation executable file installs the WPAR Manager as a set of Ecppse features and plug-ins under the ISD installation directory.安装可执行文件在ISD安装目录中安装一套Ecppse特性和插件。

5.The ISD infrared data transmission system enables wireless data transmission to rail-mounted vehicles along the pght beam.ISD红外数据传输系统可以使无线数据通过光束传输到钢轨车辆上。

6.Another aspect of the IBSTRI model's "pedigree" is its birth out of the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) professional area.另一个IBSTRI模型的版本是教学系统设计(ISD)的专业领域的方面。

7.ISD staff are able to chase your order by checking customer name .新闻处职员会根据您的名称翻查记录。

8.When an item (object, container, or account) isd, a tombstone is set as the latest version of the item.当一个条目(对象、容器、或者帐号)被删除,一个墓碑文件被设置作为该条目标最新版本。

9.ISD will invite the approved contractors to submit quotations and or proposals for these services when opportunities arise .政府新闻处如须采购这些服务,将邀请注册名单上的承办商提交报价单及或建议书。

10.Useful news dispatches selected are now distributed mainly by e-mail and computer fax; or shared among ISD officers via the ISD Intranet.现时,本处主要透过电邮及电脑传真方式发放所选的有用新闻。