


美式发音: [ˈkjubɪst] 英式发音: [ˈkjuːbɪst]



复数:cubists  同义词




adj.1.relating to an early 20th-century style of painting in which the artist paints several different views of a person or object in a single painting, usually using straight pnes

1.立体派艺术家 cubism (艺术上的)立体派 cubist 立体派艺术家 cuboctahedron 立方八面体 ...

2.立体派者 cubism 立体派 cubist 立体派者 cubit 腕尺 ...

3.立体派的 9. improvisation 即兴创作 12. cubist 立体派的 13. uncanny 离奇的,神秘的 ...

4.立体化Conte Crayon)、蜡笔(Crayon)、立体化(Cubist)、印象派(Impressionist)、调色板刀(Palette knife)、粉蜡笔(Pastels)、轮廓笔 …

5.立体派艺术画 ... 9.4.3 Crayon (蜡笔) 9.4.4 Cubist立体派艺术画) 9.4.5 Impressionist (印象派艺术画) ...

6.立体主义的 ... colorist 著色者;善於运用色彩之画家 cubist 立体主义的;立体派画家(或雕塑家)的 crayonist 蜡笔画家[C] ...

7.比斯特制药公司卡比斯特制药公司Cubist)得知员工一起吃早餐和午餐时会更有效率,这这促使他们翻新自助餐厅,改善他们的菜单。使用类 …


1."Head of a Woman" , Picasso's first large cubist sculpture, occupies the centre of a room devoted to that period.毕加索的第一件大型立体主义雕塑作品《一个女人的头》占据了“玫瑰时期”展厅的中心。

2.Picasso could paint classical portraits and yet conceive cubist representations of people.毕加索在画出古典肖像的同时却还能构思出对人物画像的立体派表达法。

3.Soon, Charles Demuth, Joseph Stella, and other American painters began to produce excellent art in the new Cubist style.很快,查尔斯•迪蒙斯,约瑟芬•斯蒂拉及其他美国画家开始用新的立体派风格创作优秀的艺术。

4.The article about Picasso inspired me to try to paint in a cubist style.这篇关于毕加索的文章激励我尝试立体派的画法。

5.What made Picassos' cubist paintings is the amount of human emotion he would maintain within the multi-faceted figures.制造了毕卡索的立体派艺术家画的人类是数量情绪他会维持在那里面多有小面的身材。

6.Sometimes the artist seemed to be a cubist; sometimes not.有时候马蒂斯看似是立体派;有时却不是。

7.The chaos and panic of the bomb scene is shown in flat, Cubist planes.炸弹轰炸时的混乱和恐慌场景通过立体主义的手法展现出来。

8.Along with many of his artistic friends, Picasso moved from Montmartre to Montparnasse at the peak of his Cubist period.毕加索大部分的艺术家朋友都由蒙马特迁到蒙帕纳塞,他亦随他们迁居。

9.noun The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces.博物馆收藏了他的几件立体派杰作。

10.In both style and subject, his Cubist works became even more unrestricted.无论从风格与绘画的对象上,他的“立体印象派”创作变得更加自由。