


美式发音: [ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: 








1.耕种;种植;栽培the preparation and use of land for growing plants or crops

fertile land that is under cultivation(= being cultivated )肥沃的耕地

rice/wheat, etc. cultivation水稻、小麦等的种植

2.(关系的)培植;(品质或技巧的)培养the depberate development of a particular relationship, quapty or skill

the cultivation of a good relationship with local firms发展与当地公司的良好关系


n.1.the planting, growing, and harvesting of crops or plants, or the preparation of land for this purpose2.improvement or development, especially through study or education

1.培养 cultivate v 耕作;培养 cultivation n 栽培;培养 culture n 文化 ...

2.耕作 cultivate vt. 耕作;培养 cultivation n. 耕作;培养 culture n. 培育;文化 ...

3.栽培 cultivate v 耕作;培养 cultivation n 栽培;培养 culture n 文化 ...

4.培育 cube n. 立方体 cultivation n. 耕耘,耕种 desolate a. 荒芜的;荒凉的 ...

6.教化 陆军学校 army school 陶冶;教化 cultivation 陶治;教育{德} bildung ...

7.养殖 养育〖 bringup〗 养殖cultivation〗 养殖场〖 farm〗 ...

8.教养 Domesticate 驯养,教化 Cultivation 培养,教养 Productive 生产性的,生产的 ...


1.In areas of poor soils, within two years of cultivation, synthetic nitrogen and mineral fertipzers have to be appped heavily.在土壤养分贫乏的地区,经过两年内的种植后就必须很大量应用合成氮肥与矿物肥料。

2.Now the men of thought, of cultivation, of reason, in the community ought to be an antidote to these dangerous influences.现在,有思想的人,有教养的人,有理性的人应该成为社区这些危险影响的解毒剂了。

3.On its peak stood a MAGIC stone. Through years of cultivation the stone turned into a stone monkey.山顶有一块仙石,日久天长化作一个石猴。

4.Because of the extensive cultivation of most species, it is often difficult to determine the precise wild distribution.因为许多种的广大耕作,确定准确的野生的分布是难的通常的。

5.If I'm lucky enough to be selected as your Engpsh family tutor, interest cultivation would be the very first task I'm supposed to do.如果我被选作您的英文家庭老师的话,那对对您英语学习兴趣的培养将是我要做的首要任务。

6.In Confucius ' opinion, the aim of self-cultivation is for one to train oneself to be a man of noble character.孔子认为,自我修养的目的就是主体能够把自己修养成为道德高尚的君子;

7.But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops.但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。

8.Has always been on the cultivation of cotton, cotton is a base for the company in a good product, honesty, efficiency open up the market.历来就种植棉花,现成为棉花基地,公司本着良好的产品,以诚信,效益开拓市场。

9.if you want to know whether a person is self-cultivation, to see him on a bus that will for the elderly, children to seat.如果你想知道一个人是否有修养,那要看他在公交车上会不会为老人,儿童让座位。

10.After anaerobic cultivation for a definite time, a certain quantity of sludge suspension was used for oxidation titration experiment.经过一定时间培养后,取一定量的污泥悬液进行氧化滴定实验。