




1.看杂志 read newspapers 看报纸 read magazines 看杂志 make cakes 做蛋糕 ...

2.阅读杂志 下周 next week 阅读杂志 read magazines 滴 drop ...


1.With those devices, you will be able to read magazines in a relaxing manner on the plane and on your sofa.有了这些工具,你才可能在沙发或者飞机上找到轻松阅读的感觉。

2.I used to read magazines in its reading rooms and attend lectures they sponsored when I worked nearby in a company.我过去在附近的一家公司上班的时候,一般到阅览室看杂志、听他们主办的各种讲座。

3.Singaporean teens pke to read magazines which deal with teenage problems and fashion.新加坡年轻人喜欢阅读关于青少年问题和时尚的杂志。

4.It is much more convenient to read magazines than read books or surf the Internet, for magazines are generally portable.看杂志比读书和上网都要方便。因为杂志一般都便于携带。

5.If you watch TV, read magazines or surf the Web, you have probably encountered advertisements urging you to exercise your mind.当你看电视、翻杂志或上网时,可能会看到一些叮咛你要多动脑的广告。

6.Do not read magazines, books or newspaper while on duty.上班时间不能看杂志、书籍和报纸。

7.Read magazines to be informed and to frame opinions and trends with context.还应该通过阅读杂志增长见闻,逐渐形成自己的观点和倾向。

8.The wealthy mums will fly club class and read magazines; their children and nannies will be in economy.富有的妈妈们会乘头等舱,阅读杂志;她们的小孩和保姆将乘经济舱。

9.Usually I read Engpsh dictionaries, sometimes I read magazines about plant.通常我读英语词典。有时候我读关于植物的杂志。

10.I prefer to read magazines more than newspaper.比起报纸来,我更喜欢看杂志。