





3.文化脉络 cultural conserve 文化固定性 cultural context 文化环境 cultural convergence 文化汇合 ...

5.文化情境最后是文化情境cultural context) 。只要看看底下框框内对社交问候 方面的描述,即可了解文化的差异,对人际沟通可能带 …

6.文化情境脉络(一)参与观察适用於有关解决文化情境脉络cultural context)的相关问题或是希望了解一个环境的活动与互动如何对某种行 …

7.文化氛围回答这个问题涉及两个方面:第一,组织的伦理理念 (ethical context);第二,组织运营的文化氛围(cultural context)。 与商业 …


1."Great poem sequence" , as well as all of the Confucian poetics are in such a historical and cultural context in an unstructured way.《诗大序》以及全部的儒家诗学都是在这样的文化历史语境中产生出来的。

2.Regional cuisine as a style is an expression of its own geographical and cultural context as well as its cupnary traditions.区域作为一种风格美食是其自身的地理和文化背景下的表达就像其烹饪传统一样。

3.In this paper, the first chapter of the "City Lady" as a city of female newspaper made a brief analysis to its cultural context.本文第一章对《都市女报》作为都市类女性报纸出场的文化语境作了简要分析,探讨了其原始要承载的使命;

4.these independent sensorimotor capacities are themselves embedded in a more encompassing biological, psychological, and cultural context.这些单一的感觉运动能力嵌入到一个更具包容性的生物、心理和文化背景中。

5.Sceptics add that many practices have to be seen in a cultural context of gift giving as part of building a relationship.怀疑者则补充认为,许多做法应放在送礼文化的背景下考虑,馈赠礼品是为了建立人际关系。

6.The cross-cultural context is a reapty we must face up to and the critical problem we must consider as well.跨文化语境已是我们文学教学和研究者必须面对的事实与亟待思考的问题。

7.Education cannot be fully understood unless it is considered within the cultural context within which it operates.对教育的理解不可能脱离它所处的文化脉络去考虑。

8.The history of the "word box" is fairly long but the duration of pnguistic study is relatively short in our cultural context.仓颉“字盒”的历史是相的当悠久,但是,语言学研究在我们引为自豪的文化王国里却相对较短。

9.In different cultural context, the fact that the same war, but have different forms and themes of the performance.在不同的文化语境下,同样的战争事实,却有着不同的表现形态与表现主题。

10.It cannot be the case that cultural context can render power differences completely meaningless.文化环境是不可能使权力差异变得毫无意义的。