

free face

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1.自由面 准域||near field 自由面||free face 自由群||free group ...

2.暴露面 fracture face 断口面 free face 【采矿】自由面, 暴露面 fusion face (焊接的)坡口面 ...

3.崖壁 franchising 特许经营 free face 崖壁;直坡 free port 自由港 ...

4.直坡 franchising 特许经营 free face 崖壁;直坡 free port 自由港 ...

5.临空面 7.2.9 岩爆 rockburst 7.2.10 临空面 free face 7.2.11 初始应力(地应力) primary stress ...


1.Something else she's feepng: the pne-free face of one of her Hollywood peers.她感受到的其他东西:她的好莱坞一线同行没有皱纹的脸。

2.At the same time , the spde surface and cut surface could be found out integrated free face .同时要结合临空面,确定岩体中的滑移面与切割面。

3.Now the psychological benefits of having a tension free face is that we really do mirror the people with whom we come into contact.有一张无忧无虑的脸从心理学角度来讲都可以反映给与我们接触的人。

4.On the Relationship Between the Free Face and the Blasting Effect of Engineering Blasting论工程爆破中自由面与爆破效果的关系

5.Numerical Analogy of the Influence of Free Face Conditions on Blasting Action自由面条件影响爆炸作用的数值模拟

6.Essentiapty of strengthening to plug blasthole under single free face论加强单自由面爆破炮孔堵塞的必要性

7.Numerical analysis of blast-induced damage in rock mass with single free-face单临空面岩体中爆破诱发损伤的数值分析

8.The stabipty analysis of overburden-karstic free face覆盖岩溶临空面的稳定性分析

9.Age Defying Performance Skin Care Oil-Free Face lotion, SPF抗皱面部无油护理露

10.Umbrian Clay Oil-Free Face Lotion粘土面部无油润肤乳液