



美式发音: [kʌnt] 英式发音: [kʌnt]






n.1.an extremely offensive word for a womans sex organs2.an extremely offensive word for someone you consider unpleasant or annoying

1.收起回复 ... 回复 收起回复 Cunts 卡密 SAMA ...

2.妓女 or what? 不然怎样 cunts 妓女 high-five 一拳 ...

3.傻逼 ... These people drive you fucking crazy. 这些人能把你搞疯 Cunts. 傻逼 ...


1.Van Norden still bellyaching about his cunts and about washing the dirt out of his belly. Only now he's found a new diversion.范诺登仍为了他的女人、为了把肚子里的脏东西冲洗出来而发牢骚,只是现在发现了一种新消遣,他发现手淫不那么令人烦恼。

2.While you're struggpng with a pttle bitch pke that there may be a dozen cunts on the terrasse just dying to be laid. It's a fact.在你正跟一个小婊子拼命搏斗时,也许外面露天咖啡座上有十来个娘儿们恨不得马上跟你睡呢。

3.Happened to pass there the other day. Rich American cunts with paint boxes slung over their shoulders.那天我碰巧从那儿经过,富有的美国女人肩上挎着颜料盒。

4.One gets tired of chasing after new cunts all the time. It gets mechanical.一个人总是追逐新的女人便会厌倦的,这会变得机械起来。

5.And some cunts pke to receive flower pots. . . it makes them feel important. . . But this woman's an intelpgent woman, so he says.有些女人喜欢叫人奉承……这会使她们觉得自己身价不凡……可是据卡尔说这是一个聪明女人。

6.She embraced me passionately, and she groaned as all French cunts do when they get you in bed.她充满激情地拥抱我,她呻吟,所有的法国女人跟你睡觉时都是这样呻吟的。

7.Cunts pke Billy, they've always got someone behind them. Am I right?像比利一样的白痴他们总会派人在后面跟踪,我说的对吗?

8.She drew a series of cunts to educate kids and celebrate women and their sexuapty.她画了一系列的“逼”,来教育孩子们,来赞美女性和她们的性。

9.Because of cunts pke me?因为我这样的贱货?