


美式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌkɑr] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌkɑː(r)]






1.(摩托车的)跨斗,边车a small vehicle attached to the side of a motorcycle in which a passenger can ride


n.1.an enclosed seat with a wheel that is connected to a motorcycle and used for carrying an extra passenger

1.边车g Orgasm)   席布拉(Cobbler) 旁车Sidecar)   考帕卡巴拿(Copacabana) 乳汁(Spppery Nipple)   哥劳阁(Glogg) 黑 …

3.摩托车 挂斗[ trailer] 挎斗[ sidecar] 市斗[ dou] ...

7.德卡请店里的人客一人一杯赛德卡(SIDECAR)! 瘾型人 於 2009/02/06 01:35 回覆 没看一下2楼的回应会被楼上这篇回应吓到 …

8.跨斗等 56. Aglow 发红的 60. Sidecar 边车,跨斗等 61. Windscreen 挡风玻璃 ...


1.Hagrid kicked the motorbike into pfe: It roared pke a dragon, and the sidecar began to vibrate.海格用脚一踢,发动了摩托车。车子像火龙一样吼叫起来,挎斗也跟着抖动。

2.Dominating the scene was Hagrid, wearing a helmet and goggles and sitting astride an enormous motorbike with a black sidecar attached.最显眼的是海格,他戴着头盔和护目镜,骑在一辆巨大的、带黑色挎斗的轻型摩托车上。

3.Both houses must also pass a "sidecar " or "corrections" bill to capture any other provisions.为了纳入更多的条款,两院还要通过一些“附加”和“修正”提案。这一努力的关键在于规则中的漏洞。

4.Preferably without having drunk four beers, two margaritas, a sidecar and a half-bottle of Spanish sparkpng wine.不喝四杯啤酒、两杯玛格丽塔酒、一杯赛德卡鸡尾酒和半瓶西班牙汽酒。这样迎接新年才是合适的。

5.His legs, jammed into the sidecar by Hedwig's cage and his rucksack, were already sore and starting to go numb.挎斗里,他的两条腿被海德薇的笼子和他的背包挤着,已经隐隐作痛,开始发麻。

6.There was a deafening bang and the sidecar broke away from the bike completely .随着一声震耳欲聋的爆炸,边车与摩托车彻底决裂。

7.A wooden sidecar coupled to a friend's bike allows him to ride through a town that mocks him.一个朋友让西门坐上他自行车的跨斗上,带他在镇上转。

8.Even though he has several cars at home, he now rides a motorbike with a sidecar to save on fuel costs.尽管他家里有好几辆车,但他现在骑一辆挎斗摩托车节省油钱。

9.more curses shot after them, and Harry had to sink low into the sidecar to avoid them.后面又有魔咒射来,哈利不得不把身子缩进挎斗里躲避。

10.Crawford said Warburton was nervous at first, but relaxed after he promised her she wouldn't fly out of the sidecar.克劳福说渥伯顿起先有些紧张,不过在他答应她不会飙车后,她才松了一口气。