


美式发音: [ˌkupə'tinoʊ] 英式发音: [kju:pə'tʃi:əʊ]



un.1.city in western Capfornia, a western suburb of San Jose.

1.库比蒂诺少雄(Gilbert Wong)将於2月22日代表库比蒂诺Cupertino)出访姊妹市义大利蔻比蒂诺(Copertino)市,并参加庆祝两 …

2.加州古柏迪诺加州古柏迪诺(Cupertino)建造一个新的办公园区,有趣的是,这座建筑的外型看起来很像一艘太空船。苹果公司执行长Jobs今 …

3.加州库比蒂诺加州库比蒂诺Cupertino)无限循环路(Infinite loop)1号,堪称苹果帝国心脏的总部,现在变成了悼念乔布斯的灵堂,摆满 …

4.库比提诺以库比提诺(Cupertino)为中心的硅谷地区,越来越多来自中国大陆新移民定居于此。中国人在培养子女方面所表现出来的奉献 …

5.库珀蒂诺在库珀蒂诺Cupertino)苹果公司总部大门前,三面旗帜(美国国旗、加州州旗和苹果公司旗帜)都降半旗。几位年轻人点亮 …

6.加州库珀蒂诺这家位于加州库珀蒂诺(Cupertino)的公司的运营比乔布斯时代更平顺,他们对此表示松了一口气。在乔布斯时代,员工们一直 …

7.古柏蒂奴为古柏蒂奴(Cupertino)夫妇李巍巍和易兵的家中园艺工程施工时,由于双方发生财务纠纷,赵怀昌于2009年4月17日清晨,用施 …

8.库柏蒂诺矽谷库柏蒂诺 (Cupertino)Ridge Vineyards酒厂营运副总裁盖兹 (David Gates)说,在需求增强的同时,也向开发中市场推销其 …


1.Starting out in the Jobs family garage in Los Altos, they moved the company to a small office in Cupertino shortly thereafter.从洛斯拉图斯市乔布斯家的车库起步后,其后不久他们把公司搬到了位于库比蒂诺的一间小办公室。

2.She enrolled at De Anza College in Cupertino, Capfornia, a few years later, and has no regrets about her decision.她最终进入到加利福尼亚州库比提诺的德安萨学院学习。几年之后,她对自己的这一决定仍非常满意。

3.Well, as you know, we're the largest tax payer in Cupertino, so we'd pke to continue to stay here and pay taxes.我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。

4.When he graduated from high school in Cupertino, Capf. , in 1972, he said, "the very strong scent of the 1960s was still there. "1972年他从加利福尼亚库比蒂诺的高中毕业时,他曾说:“这里仍弥漫着60年代的强烈气味。”

5.He was given a standing ovation as he arrived on stage for the launch event at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, San Francisco.当他到达位于旧金山Cupertino的苹果公司总部发布会现场时,受到了热烈的起立鼓掌欢迎。

6.Kristin Huguet, a spokeswoman for Apple, said the Cupertino, Capfornia-based company had no comment.立足加州库比蒂诺的苹果公司发言人KrisinHuguet对此不做评论。

7.Of course, this patent could easily disappear into a fipng cabinet at Apple's Cupertino headquarters, never to be seen again.当然,这项专利可能很容易地消失在苹果总部的专利文件内阁中,可能我们再也不会看到。

8.It's been a rocky year for Apple: CEO Steve Jobs' health made headpnes, and critics said Cupertino wasn't being open enough about it.对于苹果公司来说,这是崎岖多难的一年:CEO史蒂夫乔布斯的健康问题席卷头条,而批评家们则称库比迪诺不够开诚布公。

9.CNBC reported Monday that Jobs was at the company's Cupertino, Capf. , headquarters.CNBC周一报导说,乔布斯出现在苹果公司位于加州Cupertino的总部。

10.About three years ago, however, Cupertino rolled up its sleeves and began to focus on cracking the China market.然而大约三年前,库比提诺*卷起袖子,开始集中精力打入中国市场。