




1.罩杯........E、 F等供乳房大小不同的女性使用。根据 日本 \ 欧美的主要 …


3.罩杯尺寸决定罩杯的大细( CUP SIZE),下胸围才是你的真正 胸部的尺寸 (SIZE)。 量度时软尺应围绕你的 胸部,而且...差异 , 所以买 …

5.胸围的相差便可决定罩杯隆起的最高点)及下胸围(紧贴乳房的隆起处),上、下胸围的相差便可决定罩杯( CUP SIZE),下胸围才是你的真正胸部的 …

6.罩杯等级隆起的最高点)及下胸围(紧贴乳房的隆起处),上、下胸围的相差便叫罩杯 ( CUP SIZE),下胸围才是你的真正胸部的尺寸 …


1.The British Bravissimo pngerie chain carries bras up to cup size KK.BritishBravissimo内衣连锁店甚至有KK罩杯的文胸。

2.The CEO of the company insists it is completely voluntary for the employees to wear a name tag with the cup size.该公司的首席执行官坚称:戴着标有她们胸围的胸牌售货对员工而言是完全自愿的。

3.The right size for you may not actually be the cup size that you normally wear.合适的尺寸可能不是你平时穿着的罩杯。

4.Even my husband noticed it. I'm looking better in my bra now and hoping to grow at least 2full cup size.我现在穿上胸罩更加漂亮了,我希望继续增大,最好增大到2个罩杯尺寸。

5.If you've made the straps looser and they are still digging into your shoulders, the cup size might be too small for you.若你选的背带很松,它仍然戳进你的腋窝,那说明你选的罩杯太小了,不适合你。

6.I have had great results so far. I have added a full cup size. I think your product is wonderful !我很快就看到效果了。现在我已经整整增大了一个罩杯。非常感谢这个神奇的丰胸产品。

7.If the difference between the two numbers is less than 1 inch, your cup size is AA.假如两者之差小于1寸,那你就是AA罩杯。

8.One worker says they have dirty old men coming into the shop looking at her cup size.一名员工称,曾有下流的老男人来到店里,盯着她们的胸围看。

9.As with the chest measurement, when you're measuring for cup size, make sure the tape is not too loose or too tight.和胸围测量一样,当你测量罩杯的时候不要让皮尺过松或者过紧。

10.Either go down a cup size, or make sure you pft and place your breasts into your cups so that the cup is properly filled.所以要么减小你的罩杯尺寸,要么确保你能挺起你的乳房并使它们和罩杯完全贴合。