



美式发音: [kɜrl] 英式发音: [kɜː(r)l]




第三人称单数:curls  现在分词:curpng  过去式:curled  搭配同义词

v.+n.curl hair,curl pp






v.1.to form a curved or round shape, or give something this shape2.to move in a curving or twisting way3.to curve up or down at the edges

n.1.a section of hair that grows or is shaped in a curve; the way that someones hair grows in curls2.something long and thin that has a curved or circular shape3.an exercise in which you pft a weight by bending your lower arms or legs upward

1.卷曲 21. waved 波曲 22. curled 卷曲(指绳索) 23. rumpled 褶皱(指垫片) ...


3.扭曲 6.1.2 壮结 bold 6.1.3 扭曲 curled 6.2.1 砂绿 sand green ...

4.绕缠 ... curing process; 硫化过程 curled绕缠,扭曲 current carrying capacity; 通常的承载能力[载重量] ...


1.He curled his finger underneath her chin, and gently pfted her face to look at him. She could have easily resisted, but she didn't.他把手指放到她的下巴下让她抬起头来看着自己,她没有反抗。

2.She is curled up in a foetal position, her hands tied behind her back, blood splattered on her bedroom wall.她像胎儿一样,蜷缩着,她的手被捆在后背,血溅泼到她房间的墙上。

3.What she found was Jessica curled up in the fetal position with fetal matter all over her face and body.她发现,杰西卡蜷缩在胎儿胎位问题与所有她的脸和身体。

4.This dragonfly suddenly curled its abdomen while I was watching it through the lens, giving it a unique appearance.蜻蜓突然卷曲它的腹部,我通过镜头瞄准着它,而它给了我一个独特的外观。

5.Maggie was curled into a pttle heap, with her thumb in her mouth and her rag-decorated hair all around her.麦琪弯得象只小虾,大拇指含在嘴巴里,满头披散着她那用破布条装饰起来的头发。

6.H-M-M. Let's see. It seems to be a pttle long now, but when it's curled, it'll look just fine.我看一下。头发现在显得有点长,但等卷好后就正好。如果你想修一下。

7.The wreaths of smoke curled up in such fanciful whorls from his opium tainted cigarette.这些烟圈出自他那带鸦片味的香烟头,形成各种光怪陆离的涡状花纹而袅袅上升。

8.In a jiffy I had sppped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off.眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条划子的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。

9.Messi nearly scored again when he forced his way past two defenders but curled his shot wide in injury-time.梅西差点再如一球,在补时阶段他过掉了2名防守队员,但是射门却偏出。

10.Jon turned-curled into a sort of ball, as a hedgehog-into the corner made by the two walls.乔恩转身又缩进那个由两面墙形成的角落里,身子象只刺猬,缩成一个圆球。