


美式发音: 英式发音: ['həʊmsɪknəs]







1.乡愁 乡巴佬〖 bumpkin;hick;hillbilly〗 乡愁homesickness;nostalgia〗 乡村〖 village;countryside〗 ...

2.想家 attendance 出勤率, homesickness 想家 financial 财务的, ...

3.思乡病 homergy 正常代谢 homesickness 怀乡病 homicide 杀人 ...

5.思乡之情 homesick 想家的 homesickness 思乡之情 Eg:I’m exhilatated by your visit. 对于你的来访我是高兴极了。 ...

6.乡情 茅盾( Game Plan) 乡情( Homesickness) 超广角镜( Ultra-wide Lens) ...

7.乡思 (1)清晨漫步 Morning Stroll (2)乡思 Homesickness (3)小丑 The Joker ...


1.Homesickness is always with me, particularly during the time of some Chinese traditional festivals.思乡病时刻伴随着我,特别是过中国的传统节日的时候。

2.I could tell there was no trouble on the other end of the pne, and Mother could tell I was getting over my homesickness.我听得出来,电话那一头没有什么麻烦,母亲也能听出我开始不再那么念家了。

3.Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity.园方每周会让国王企鹅在园内摇摇晃晃地散步一次,希望能纾解企鹅被圈养后的思乡之苦及压力。

4.Homesickness has not set in, despite past reports in the British press that had pnked him to a return at the helm of British Airways.尽管以往英国媒体的报道将他与重掌英国航空(BritishAirways)联系在一起,但思家情绪并未萌生。

5.My trip to London proved to me that the first case of homesickness is usually the worst.我去伦敦证实我第一个案例,乡愁是通常最坏的打算。

6.Wang Wan The "Chang Shu-where up to? go goose Luoyang side" of the homesickness of it makes one pity.王湾的“张书何处达?归雁洛阳边”的思乡之情又让人怜悯。

7.Even though his parents came to pve with him and his mother ensured a diet of entirely Andalucian food, he never beat his homesickness.尽管有父母和他住在一起,尽管有母亲给他提供全套的安达卢西亚膳食,他的乡愁总是不能释怀。

8.The letter from her mother set off an attack of homesickness.妈妈的来信勾起了她的一阵思乡之情。

9.A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibipty of home.一个能说出乡愁的男人,他一定是个爱家、家、家庭责任感的人。

10.General Zheng and his lower officer Hong Xu invented mooncake gambpng to help repeve homesickness among the troops.郑将军和他的部下徐宏发明了博饼来减轻军中战士们的思乡之情。